Keeping pace with Industries, Institute started another DTE approved, MSBTE affiliated, One year, short term Diploma Course, ‘Advanced Diploma In Industrial Safety’ (IT-1Y) from 2009.
Keeping pace with Industries, Institute started another DTE approved, MSBTE affiliated, One year, short term Diploma Course, ‘Advanced Diploma In Industrial Safety’ (IT-1Y) from 2009.
The Course got very warm & huge response from the year of its inception. The total 60 seats gets filled up immediately every year & that is the trust people from society show towards the Deccan Education Society.
About Us
The society resolved upon signalizing the golden jubilee of its own foundation and that of the Fergusson College by launching a technical institute, with the object of providing, as funds permit, technical education of a varied and thorough-going character.
The first branch of instruction taken in hand was that of the manufacture of paints, pigments and varnishes. The schemes made a strong appeal to the then public. Beside the sum appropriate out of the golden jubilee fund, the noteworthy donations and endowment received for the benefits of the institute were.
Rs.20000/- out of the estate of M/S Liladhar Topan and Nagji Vishram, Bombay.
Rs.30500/- from Shri Krisnaji Mahadev Limaye of Amravati.
Rs.4500/- from Shri vinayak Hari dongre of Thana.
The institute was originally attached to the Fergusson College. It began its work in June 1937 and had at the beginning 17 Student on its roll. At this juncture Dr. R.P. Sabnis, very experienced & highly qualified Technocrat joined this Institute as Head of the Institute.
Committee of directorate of technical education inspected the institute on the behalf of government on 5th Aug 1938 and as a result of their recommendation the institute was recognized for inspection and examination purpose and was also registered for grant-in-aid purpose.
In the year 1938-39 the government sanctioned a non-recurring grant of Rs. 3901/- towards the capital expenditure on machinery and equipment for the institute.
In the initial years the financial liability of the institute proved a headache to the society but with the determined efforts of persons like prof. Dr.D.G.Dhavale who was put in charge of the institute, the institute emerged out of the financial difficulties added newer branches of technological studies to the already existing ones.
To-day there are many centers of technical education. But what gratifies us is that, as in many other spheres, it was the Deccan Education Society which was pioneer in the starting Technical Institute.
The Institute now completing its fruitful existence of 75 yrs of technological service is marching ahead gearing up its activities competently.
Keeping pace with Industries, Institute started another DTE approved, MSBTE affiliated, One year, short term Diploma Course, ‘Advanced Diploma In Industrial Safety’ (IT-1Y) from 2009.
The Course got very warm & huge response from the year of its inception. The total 60 seats gets filled up immediately every year & that is the trust people from society show towards the Deccan Education Society.
Our mission is to provide qualified technologist to the industries meeting their needs.
To provide quality technical education in the field of surface coating technology.
To provide a dynamic and creative academic environment for the development of professional skills and development of all around personality of students.
Our mission is to provide quality education to the common people at affordable cost without commercialization of education.
To be leader in providing competent professionals in the field of surface coating technology for the betterment of society and mankind.
TIP is committed to providing education to all those interested in gaining knowledge in the specialized branches of chemical technology. We strive to fulfill this vision.
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