Advanced Diploma/Pg Diploma in Fire Safety & Industrial Safety Management is offered by PSFSM. PSFSM is working with an objective to impart the most useful and the most advanced training.
Advanced Diploma/Pg Diploma in Fire Safety & Industrial Safety Management is offered by PSFSM.
"Pataliputra School of Fire & Safety Management" is engaged in promoting various courses of Safety Management through Theoretical Teaching and Practical Training. PSFSM is an ideal launching pad for the services of various categories Fire Safety Officers and Industrial Safety Officers aspirants.
PSFSM is devoting to make the Fire Safety Management, Industrial Safety Management, Occupational Safety & Health Management, Environmental Health & Safety Management and Risk Management and Petroleum Engineering services capable of saving lives and properties of the people of each and every areas of the society.
Its gneiss lies not in any coincidence but an urge to set standards of excellence and perfection in education as well as training for various types of Safety Management Courses & Petroleum Engineering.
PSFSM is working with an objective to impart the most useful and the most advanced training in the field of various various Safety Management Courses to their students to make them capable to saving lives and properties of not only for common men but also for industries, multistoried buildings, godowns, laboratories, libraries, aerodromes, duckyards, museums, archives, auditoriums, malls, cinema halls and other governmental and non-governmental institutions.
"India's most progressive safety management educational institute" works hard to create awareness of safety against fire, industrial occupational and environmental accidents not only among fire personnel and industrial personnel but also among common men.
Of course, role of PSFSM is to make teaching/training more and more scientific, methodical, proper, easy and procticable in all aspects of various types of safety Managements. So that our student may get excellent placement with handsome salary.
About 2650 years ago, Lord Buddha told, "The City of Pataliputra (Today's Patna ) has always danger from three things i.e., fire , water and internal dispute."
These words of Lord Buddha very much inspired Mr. Lalan Kumar Prasad, Ex. Archaeological Chemist, Department of Ancient Indian History & Archaeology, Patna University, Patna, Bihar. Mr. Prasad is one of the most renowned authors of India in the field of popular sciences.
His more than three thousand articles have been published in various journals of India. Not only this, he has already delivered more than seven thousand five hundred lectures on Fire Safety, Industrial Safety , Constructional Safety and Environmental Health & Safety, Occupational Health & Safety, Risk and Disaster Management.
So, he felt the need to establish an ideal institution for scientific and methodical teaching on all types of Safety Management Courses. He wants to set standards of excellence and perfection in teaching / training for various types of Safety Management. Hence, he has established "Pataliputra School of Fire & Safety Pvt. Ltd." in the year 2000.
This institute is running under the license by the Government of India (Registered Under Companies Act 1956 by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Government of India, Registration No. 03-09284 of 2000-20010), dated 03.05.2000.
This institution is also ISO 9001:2008 Certified, Registration No.:NOR/0912A/1867.
Mr. Prasad has also established "Pataliputra School of Fire & Safety Management" in the Year 2009 registered Under India Trust, Registration Act 1882(Govt. of Bihar), Registration No.:3745/2009.
"Pataliputra School of Fire & Safety Management" is engaged in promoting various courses of Safety Management through Theoretical Teaching and Practical Training.
PSFSM is an ideal launching pad for the services of various categories Fire Safety Officers and Industrial Safety Officers aspirants. PSFSM is devoting to make the Fire Safety Management, Industrial Safety Management, Occupational Safety & Health Management, Environmental Health & Safety Management and Risk Management and Petroleum Engineering services capable of saving lives and properties of the people of each and every areas of the society.
Its gneiss lies not in any coincidence but an urge to set standards of excellence and perfection in education as well as training for various types of Safety Management Courses & Petroleum Engineering.
PSFSM is working with an objective to impart the most useful and the most advanced training in the field of various various Safety Management Courses to their students to make them capable to saving lives and properties of not only for common men but also for industries, multistoried buildings, godowns, laboratories, libraries, aerodromes, duckyards, museums, archives, auditoriums, malls, cinema halls and other governmental and non-governmental institutions.
PSFSM works to create awareness of safety against Fire, Industrial, Environmental & Health, Constructional, Biological, Chemical, Mechanical Electrical and Radiation Hazards among the people of every walk of society.
It will make them aware of Fire Hazards, Constructional Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Mechanical Hazards, Nuclear Hazards, Biological Hazards and Environmental Hazards and various inherent losses caused by these hazards.
PSFSM also organizes workshops, conferences and seminars on various aspects of safety against various types of accidents caused by various types of hazards. It is not an institute but also a Forum for various Safety Management Technologists.
PSFSM provides consultancy and advisory services to various Governmental and Non-governmental agencies like museums, archives, libraries, laboratories, industries, multi-stored building construction private limited, godowns, cinema hall, etc.
It helps to install Fire Protection System and also conducts routine checkups and maintenance of the Fire Protection System in all the above mentioned institutions.
PSFSM imparts short term / long term/ specialized training programmes to sponsored students and employees of different institutions, schools, colleges and other Governmental and Non-governmental organizations.
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