The course is uniquely arranged with other professional doctorates covering consultation and the organisation and social care and social work, making for a multidisciplinary student body and an enriching learning experience (this is referred to as the integrated professional doctorate part of the co
This course is the longest standing systemic doctorate in the UK and offers experienced practitioners, managers and educators the opportunity for advanced professional development, and an applied research training.
The course is uniquely arranged with other professional doctorates covering consultation and the organisation and social care and social work, making for a multidisciplinary student body and an enriching learning experience (this is referred to as the integrated professional doctorate part of the course).
The teaching staff are research active, diverse and collectively hold a wealth of experience of research and scholarship including fields such as cross-cultural qualitative research, cross-cultural clinical practice, social anthropology, systems of care, autism, clinical practice and research into groups and group dynamics.
About this course
This programme engages with the realities of current working experiences, its emotional demands and complexities, to enable a more confident, reflective response that increases the capacity to fulfil your role.
We aim to help you find direction in your career, in a manner that connects with your professional passion and curiosity, but also enhances your abilities for reflexive leadership both practically and intellectually.
Doctoral students consistently feedback the relevance of participation in this programme for the development of their thinking and practice in their work setting.
Many students have the support of their employers to conduct research on clinical or organisational topics, which makes a valuable contribution to the work of their service and their own professional performance.
The course comprises two years of ‘taught’ work and a minimum of two years applied research leading to submission of a 40,000-word doctoral thesis. The course is renowned for the care and support students receive from their supervisory teams.
The course staff take pride in the breadth of our engagement and teaching. Whatever type of research you would like to carry out, we will encourage and help you do so in the most comprehensive innovative and ethical way possible. We consider the development of research methods as an opportunity for self-scrutiny and reflexivity and encourage frank and critical consideration of research assumptions and positions.
The course includes teaching in quantitative, qualitative, critical qualitative, mixed methods, diffractive, post-structuralist, anti-colonising, psychoanalytic, and systemic research methods. We encourage you to develop your own mix and style to suit you as a person and your particular research project. We place high value on creativity throughout the study.
Year one
You will attend seminars focusing on systemic psychotherapy enquiry and its relationship to contemporary ideas and research activity in sociology, social anthropology, ethnography, social psychology and art. We consider research to rely on experience and knowledge as well as skill.
You will undertake an observation from a constructivist perspective. You will be encouraged to place yourself inside the observation and through an appreciation of art and drawing you will be helped to develop embodied, observational, contextual and linguistic research skills drawing on contexts and experiences unique to you. These two first modules lay the foundation for the second year and for the subsequent thesis writing.
Year two
You will participate in seminars on data analysis and methodological reflexivity. You will also engage with theory and research around the contemporary systemic psychotherapy context and complexity in practice-based enquiry. Throughout, you will be encouraged to place difference and complexity rather than similarity and unity at the centre of your practice and thinking.
During the first two years the research methods lectures and some seminars are shared with students on other professional doctorate programmes in social work/social care and organisational consultancy, making for a unique and rich inter-disciplinary learning experience.
By the end of year two you will have developed a clear research proposal for your research, and in subsequent years you will be regularly supervised on your project by an experienced team of systemic psychotherapy academics and practitioners.
Research data analysis seminars, systemic doctorate special events and symposia offer opportunities for networking, group data analysis and problem solving, as well as strong peer learning and support.
Each year you will be entitled to attend the annual Tavistock doctoral student conference where students present work in progress, display posters and learn from the experience of doctoral graduates.
We are in partnership with the Centre for Anthropology and Mental Health Research in Action (CAMRA) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and offer joint workshops with their doctoral students twice a year. These workshops provide an opportunity for anthropology and systemic researchers to explore and develop their skills in integrating clinical and social/ethnographic enquiry.
Module 1: Research Methods 1 (RM1)
Year of Study: Year One
FHEQ Level: Level 8
Credit Weighting: 30 credits
Module Status: Core
Module Leaders: Inga-Britt Krause, Stephen Mills & Julia Jude
Module Aims
Provide students with a sophisticated introduction to a range of research methodologies and research paradigms relevant to the conduct of applied professional research programmes.
Introduce students to key debates about ontology and epistemology and the philosophical principles underpinning knowledge generation in the social and psychological sciences, with particular attention to psycho-social, systemic, and organisational applications of these principles.
Through regular facilitated multi-disciplinary group sessions with other Professional Doctorate students, to enable individual students to reflect on their practitioner identities, research aspirations, and methodological interests and thereby begin to reflexively position themselves as applied researchers.
Consider how applied research can be utilised to develop professional practice and contribute to extending the forefront of knowledge and/or professional practice within students’ own area.
Module Assessment
Students are required to submit a 5,000-word critical essay incorporating a concise literature review, exploration of methodologies, and discussion of the researcher positioning with respect to a research topic of their choice.
Module 2: Advanced Practice 1a: Social Science & Systemic Psychotherapy (AP1a)
Year of Study: Year One
FHEQ Level: Level 8
Credit Weighting: 15 credits
Module Status: Core
Module Leaders: Inga-Britt Krause
Module Aims
Acquire an understanding of the foundational traditions in social science
Develop an increased appreciation of the complexity of social systems
Develop an enhanced appreciation of the interface between social science and psychology research and practice
Enhance your understanding of the intersection of social, cultural, geographical and political contexts for research and systemic clinical practice and theory
Provide a critical analysis informed by social science of the contribution of quantitative and qualitative research
Module Assessment
Students are required to submit a 3,000-word essay, reviewing and a critiquing of a piece of systemic research.
Module 3: Advanced Practice 1b: Observation, Experience & Reflexivity (AP1b)
Year of Study: Year One
FHEQ Level: Level 8
Credit Weighting: 15 credits
Module Status: Core
Module Leader: Julia Jude
Module Aims
To become familiar with constructivist and ethnographic observations
To develop an analytic and critical stance to your own observations, perceptions and descriptions
To develop an awareness of the constraints of physical, social and cultural contexts upon the observations you make
To become aware of the constraints of particular modes of description, annotation and communication
To increase your reflexivity and creativity in observation and research.
To enhance your awareness of the similarities and differences between research and clinical practice
Module Assessment
Assessment of this module comprises a 30-minute symposium presentation (75%) and 1,000- word essay, providing an evaluation of the learning from this assignment and its relevance to students’ research (25%).
Module 4: Research Methods 2
Year of Study: Year Two
FHEQ Level: Level 8
Credit Weighting: 30 credits
Module Status: Core
Module Aims
To consolidate students’ learning from Research Methods 1 with their prior knowledge and experience in clinical and applied professional practice.
To support students to be able to think critically and reflexively about problems in order to create new solutions and new knowledge
To enable students to choose an appropriate research design and research methodology for their research questions.
Module Assessment
Students are required to submit a 5,000-word research assignment, describing the research that will form the basis of their thesis and including a systematic literature review.
Module 5: Advanced Practice 2a: Research Applications in Systemic Psychotherapy (AP2a)
Year of Study: Year Two
FHEQ Level: Level 8
Credit Weighting: 15 credits
Module Status: Core
Module Leader: Stephen Mills
Module Aims
To consolidate understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
To consolidate coherence between paradigms, research methods and epistemological positions.
To assist students in choosing appropriate research strategies and methods for their research proposal.
To provide practice in data analysis.
To assist students in the development of creativity and innovation in research.
Module Assessment
Students are required to submit a 3,000-word essay.
Module 6: Advanced Practice 2b: Positioning & Systemic Psychotherapy (AP2b)
Year of Study: Year Two
FHEQ Level: Level 8
Credit Weighting: 15 credits
Module Status: Core
Module Leader: Stephen Mills
Module Aims
To enable students to apply their appreciation of social, cultural and political contexts to their own positioning, both in their research and clinical practice.
To reflect and evaluate the similarities and differences between positions in research and clinical practice.
To consolidate students’ confidence in combining a disciplined, reflective and reflexive approach to individuals and systems as well as to their own participation in research and clinical practice.
To encourage creativity in designing research processes
To appreciate depth and complexity in understanding.
Module Assessment
Students are required to submit a 3,000-word essay, demonstrating a mature and disciplined grasp of reflection, reflexivity and positioning with particular reference to their own research. Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to reflect outward to the cultural, historical, linguistic, political and other forces that shape their enquiry and inwards towards themselves as enquirers.
Module 7: Research Thesis
Year of Study: Year 3+
FHEQ Level: Level 8
Credit Weighting: 240 credits
Module Status: Core
Module Leader: Inga-Britt Krause, Julia Jude & Stephen Mills
Module Aims
To enable students to apply research skills in a real world environment in order to complete a research project which is of some value to their field of professional practice.
Module Assessment
Assessment is through the submission and a viva examination of a thesis of 40,000 – 60,000 words, detailing students’ original research.
Who is this course for?
This course is for you if you:
want to enhance your ability to place diversity and difference at the heart of your practice
would like to complement your curiosity with research inquiry
would like to contribute to systemic research
The course uniquely combines therapeutic practice principles and an emphasis on social science, including social anthropology and issues of diversity and reflexivity.
Entry requirements
In order to undertake this course, we ask that you:
have a master’s degree in systemic psychotherapy or equivalent (this must include specific knowledge of systemic psychotherapy theory and practice)
hold a professional systemic registration e.g. AFT or UKCP
have some prior knowledge of research
As part of our application process we ask that you submit a proposal as we are interested in the thoughts and ideas that you have about your research interests.
Please note that this does not need to be a fully worked out proposal, just an idea at application stage.
About us
We are The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, a specialist mental health Trust that provides training and education that changes lives
All of our courses are carefully developed and supported by our faculty of expert NHS clinician-tutors. This means that the education you receive is relevant and up-to-date – those that treat our patients, teach our students.
Our validated courses are awarded by the University of Essex, ranked in the global top 100 of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, which ranks more than 1,400 universities around the world.
Our clinical courses are accredited by the leading, trusted governance bodies; our clinical graduates are sought after and able to practice immediately.
What’s more, students at The Tavistock and Portman regard our education as ‘gold standard‘ and 93% would recommend our courses to a friend or colleague.
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