In this one-day anger management class, training participants will learn the process of learning to recognise signs of anger. Parcitipants will also learn the necessary action to calm themselves down whe they are on the verge of anger, as well as to deal with situation
In this one-day anger management class, training participants will learn the process of learning to recognise signs of anger. Parcitipants will also learn the necessary action to calm themselves down whe they are on the verge of anger, as well as to deal with situation that stimulated anger in a much more productive way.
It is important to note that anger management does not prevent you from feeling anger or encourage you to keep the anger inside of you. This is a misconception about anger management training. Anger is a normal and healthy emotion the key is to know how to express it appropriately. In this course participants will learn how to do this effectively.
Here are some important questions to ask yourself before you plan to attend this anger management course:
Do you tend to lose your cool often?
Do you often find yourself having heated arguments with the people closest to you?
Do you fly off the handle easily?
When someone hurts you bad, you usually want to get even with them?
Do you find yourself constantly grumpy?
Are you irritated by a lot of things at home or at work?
Is your anger issues affecting your relationships with co-workers and/or family members?
Do you suffer from road rage?
Do you find it hard to forgive someone who has done you wrong?
Do you get angry when you think of the bad things that people did to you in the past?
Does waiting in line or waiting for other people, annoy you?
If you responded ‘yes’ to most of the questions, you might want to talk to attend our anger management course to learn and understand where your anger originates from. It is also essential for you to learn healthier methods to cope with your anger before it goes out of control. It is crucial to handle your anger more efficiently as it will improve your happiness level and your overall well-being. Knowing how to manage your anger will also benefit the people around you, particularly your loved ones.
Team building and team bonding is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks. It is distinct from team training.
Which is designed by a combination of business managers, learning and development/OD (Internal or external) and an HR Business Partner (if the role exists) to improve the efficiency, rather than interpersonal relations.
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