This is an excellent course for trade professionals and operatives as well as caretakers and all those who may disturb asbestos and / or need to drill through it or displace it to undertake any work where asbestos may exist.
This is an excellent course for trade professionals and operatives as well as caretakers and all those who may disturb asbestos and / or need to drill through it or displace it to undertake any work where asbestos may exist.
Understanding the properties of asbestos; the effects on health; medical requirements; asbestos products, asbestos fixtures and building components that contain asbestos; which buildings are at risk; safe working practices; hygiene requirement; PPE and RPE; control measure and control limits ;understanding an asbestos register, algorithm risks record, air monitoring; emergencies; decontamination, waste handling, and non licensed work.
We take a pride in the courses we develop and every single course provided has either been developed entirely by us or they have been developed further to improve learning, consolidation and at the same time making the experience enjoyable.
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