The course is designed to keep it simple and explain things clearly and succinctly. Together, we’ll walk you through each of the major areas of Amazon Web Services, step by step. Using real-life examples, we will practice how to effectively design and manage application infrastructure using AWS.
The course is designed to keep it simple and explain things clearly and succinctly. Together, we’ll walk you through each of the major areas of Amazon Web Services, step by step. Using real-life examples, we will practice how to effectively design and manage application infrastructure using AWS. At the end of each section, we’ll also test your knowledge with short quizzes to make sure you’ll be ready for the exam.
Not only will we cover the fundamentals of AWS architectural principles and services, we will also deep dive into each of the individual elements: IAM, S3, Cloudfront, Storage Gateway, Snowball, EC2, Cloudwatch, CLI, Lambda, Route 53, RDS, Dynamo DB, Redshift, ElastiCache, Aurora, VPC, SQS, SNS, Elastic Transcoder, Kinesis, API Gateway, and so on.
AWS is constantly evolving its platform, and course content reflects the required areas of knowledge at the time you register for the course.
The ideal student for this course is ready to quickly break into cloud computing. You don’t have hours to spend on training. The course will help you prepare for a position as a qualified AWS solutions architect.
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to confidently take the associate-level AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam and be on your way to starting an exciting career in cloud computing
Course Content:
Unit 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS Exam Blueprint
Cloud Services and deployment models
Cloud service providers
What is AWS? An intro!
AWS service domains
AWS services
AWS Regions and Arizona’s
Sign up for a free account
Unit 2: IAM
Introduction to AWS Console
Create a Billing Alarm
Introduction to Access Management and RAM
What is IAM??
Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
IAM Features
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
IAM Users and Groups
IAM Policies
IAM Permissions
IAM Roles
IAM Single Sign on
Lab: IAM
Unit 3: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
What is Amazon VPC???
Lab: Create Custom VPC
Custom VPC’s and ELB’s
Direct Connect
Lab: VPC Flow Logs
Setting up Direct Connect
IP Address and CIDR Notations
Creating VPC And Subnetsss
Components of VPC
NAT Gateway
Security in VPC
Types of VPC
VPC Peering
Unit 4: EC2
EC2 Introducation
What is AMI and what are its what are its what are its what are its types????
End-to-end EC2 deployment
Deploy a node application on EC2
EBA Volumes and Snapshots
Spot instances and spot fleets
Cloud Watch
Bootstrap scripts
EC2 Placement groups
EC2 Summary
Unit 6: Load balancing And Auto-Scaling
Introduction to Elastic Load Balancer
Types of ELB: Classic, Network and
Load Balancer Architecture
Classic Load Balancer Creation
Application Load Balancer Creation
Cross-Zone Load Balancing
Introduction to Autoscaling
Vertical and Horizontal Scaling
Components of Autoscaling
Vertical and Horizontal Scaling
Instance termination
Using a load balancer with auto-scaling
Unit 7: S3
Introduction to S3-Object Storage
Buckets and versioning
Lifecycle management
Pricing Tiers
S3 Select and Glacier Select
S3 Performance
S3 Transfer Acceleration
Lab: Cross-Region Replication
Lab: Versioning
Unit 8: Route 53
DNS 101
Lab: Register
Lab::::::: weighted routing policy
Lab: Latency-Based-Based-Based Policy
Lab: Failover routing policy
Unit 9: Database
What is a database, and what what what what types are are are are available on AWS?
Backups, Multi-AZ and Read Replicas
Dynamo DB
Database Migration
Caching Strategies on AWS
Lab: RDS
Lab: Backups, Multi-AZ and Read Replicas
Unit 10: Applications and Messaging
What is messaging?
Kinesis 101
Managed Kafka
Simple Workflow Service
Elastic Transcoder
API Gateway
Lab: SNS
Unit 11: Elastic Beanstalk and HA Architecture
What is a load balancer?
LB’s and health checks
Auto Scaling
Launch configurations and auto-scaling groups
What is Elastic beantalk?
Lab: Application via Elastic Beanstalk
Unit 12: Monitoring and Security
Introduction to CloudWatch
CloudWatch Alarms
CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Events
Secrets Manager
AWS Shield
Unit 13: Amazon FSx and Global Accelerator
What is FSx??
Types of FSx
How does FSx for Windows File Server work??
What is a Global Accelerator?????
How Global Accelerator works, Listeners and Endpoints
What are AWS organizations?
Features of AWS Organizations
Managing multiple accounts
Unit 14: Serverless services
Introduction to Serverless Services: Lambda and API Gateway
i>What is Lambda
i>Writing Lambda function
i>Introduction to API Gateway
i>Creating API’s
i>Serverless Application Model
i>Elastic Container Service
i>Lab – Build a Serverless Web Page witih API Gateway and Lambda
i>Lab – Build a Alexa Skill
Unit 15: AWS CLI (Not required for certification) – Advance Topic will not be covered in class
i>Introduction to AWS CLI
i>Understanding Access key and Secret key
i>Creating resources using CLI
i>Understanding Roles and using with CLI
Innovations in Business Solutions (Mississauga Campus) is a leading provider of corporate and professional training services in the areas of ERP, project management, business analysis, and quality assurance.
Innovations in Business Solutions offers trainees excellent, best-of-class instruction, training facilities, lab support, and a clear roadmap to a successful career.
Innovations in Business Solutions (Mississauga Campus) offers training in SAP, project management, BA, CBAP, and QA software testing. An approved training provider of Project Management Institute (PMI®), IIBA, ISCEA, and other education alliances, Innovations in Business Solutions has provided training to hundreds of graduates on their way to certification since 2005.
Many of these students have achieved great success in their careers after completing the training in Innovations in Business Solutions.
Innovations in Business Solutions is also an Authorized Testing Center (ATC) for all exams offered by Promatric and Scantron.
Innovations in Business Solutions also successfully trained many candidates (on the Mississauga campus) funded by the Second Career and Skill Upgrade Programs as an Approved PCC.
Innovations in Business Solutions’ focused customized Corporate Training offers clients cost effective solutions to upgrade their IT skills force.
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