Bachelor Of Arts Economics

by Morehouse College Claim Listing

The Morehouse economics majors learn how resources are allocated around the world and the implications of resource limitations on society. Major Course Of Study Requirements And Curriculum. The major in economics consists of three components, the college-wide general education curriculum (approximat

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The Morehouse economics majors learn how resources are allocated around the world and the implications of resource limitations on society. 

Major Course Of Study Requirements And Curriculum. 

  • The major in economics consists of three components, the college-wide general education curriculum (approximately 38 semester hours), the economics major curriculum (approximately 47 semester hours), and free electives (35 semester hours).
  • Economics majors must complete general education courses, which include HMTH 105, 115, and 116. Students must also take 3-6 semester hours of writing, 3-12 semester hours of a modern foreign language, 3-6 semester hours of mathematics, three semester hours of arts and literature, two semester hours of health and wellness, six semester hours of ideas and ethics, 6-8 semester hours of scientific discovery, and six semester hours of society and culture. Students who place into higher-level math and English courses should consult their advisors.
  • Students in the math-track concentration are required to take five additional mathematics courses, HMTH 161, 162, 263, 271, and 321, and HPHY 154. Finally, all economics majors must complete HCOM 351 and HCSC 106 advanced skills courses. The completion of the following prerequisites with a grade of C or higher is required as follows: HMTH 105 or higher (excluding HMTH 110) to enroll in any ECO class, HMTH 161 to enroll in HECO 301, HECO 201 and 202 to enroll in any upper-level economics class, HECO 221 to enroll in HECO 321 and HECO 421, and HECO 301 and 302 to enroll in any 400-level course.

Required economics courses
29 hours

  • HECO 201— Principles of Macroeconomics
  • HECO 202— Principles of Microeconomics
  • HECO 221— Basic Statistics
  • HECO 301— Microeconomic Theory
  • HECO 302— Macroeconomic Theory
  • HECO 321— Principles of Econometrics
  • HECO 321L— Principles of Econometrics Lab
  • HECO 401— Economic Doctrine
  • HECO 405— International Trade
  • HECO 421— Topics in Econometrics
  • HECO 421L— Topics in Econometrics Lab

Non-math Concentration 9 hours

  • HMTH 161— Calculus I
  • HCOM 351— Professional Communication
  • HCSC 106— Introduction to Computer Science

Math Concentration 30 hours

  • HMTH 161— Calculus I
  • HMTH 162— Calculus II
  • HMTH 255— Introduction to Set Theory
  • HMTH 263— Calculus Ill
  • HMTH 271— Introduction to Linear Algebra
  • HMTH 321— Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equation
  • HCOM 351— Professional Communication
  • HCSC 106— Introduction to Computer Science
  • HPHY 154— Mechanics Lecture and Recitation

Economics Electives 9 hours
Choose three courses from the list below:

  • HECO 303— Economic History
  • HECO 304— Money and Banking
  • HECO 305— Economic Development
  • HECO 403— Labor Economics
  • HECO 404— Urban Economics
  • HECO 406— Public Finance
  • HECO 408— Special Topics in Economics
  • HECO 409— Directed Reading in Economics
  • HECO 410— Mathematical Economics
  • HECO 412— Financial Economics
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