Become a Bachelor of Commerce in Information Technology graduate. An accredited IT Management Degree will enable you to offer and manage business solutions through information supported technology.
The Bachelor of Commerce in Information and Technology Management degree is a popular and much-sought-after undergraduate programme. Information technology presently is one of the fastest growing industries creating significant career opportunities for students.
The aim of the IT Management Degree programme is to create graduates who are able to offer and manage business solutions, demonstrate skills and knowledge in both business and information technology domains and management thereof.
Students are exposed to the design and development of systems and engage in solving real-life problems, implement and continually adapt these systems to changing organisational needs.
Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Commerce in Information Technology programme, the student should be able to:
Structure data, information and knowledge in an organisational setting.
Apply information and knowledge management principles and theories in a variety of organisational settings.
Apply information and knowledge management principles in the different functional units of an enterprise.
Understand the architecture, platforms and configuration of systems to generate information and knowledge for decision making.
Utilise information and knowledge management as a strategic tool for competitive advantage.
Analyse, evaluate and present financial, quantitative and functional information and knowledge for meaningful interpretation.
Propose business solutions through information and knowledge management techniques
Situated in Durban, South Africa, overlooking the bustling Durban seaport. MANCOSA serves as an innovation hub for executive education and postgraduate management programmes, including the flagship and highly rated Master of Business Administration.
A selection of Executive Education Short Learning Programmes are also offered to meet the requirements of professionals in both the private and public sectors.
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