Game design at jmc provides the skills and knowledge to create fully immersive digital environments. Learn how to design, develop and implement an idea, with emphasis on creativity and expression through concept creation, digital drawing, environment modelling and game-engine implementation.
Game design at jmc provides the skills and knowledge to create fully immersive digital environments. Learn how to design, develop and implement an idea, with emphasis on creativity and expression through concept creation, digital drawing, environment modelling and game-engine implementation.
The video game industry is growing fast. The expertise and practices of game design + development is spilling over into a range of sectors, with design and development practices becoming widely adopted outside of purely gaming purposes.
Combine interactivity, game design and programming with traditional art practice and animation with a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Game Design). Focus in what you are passionate about as you select from a list of primary and secondary streams to hone in on your skills.
Add to your Game Design primary stream with a choice of 2D Animation, 3D animation, CG (Computer Generated) Art or Production Art for the opportunity to combine both technical knowledge and artistic practice as you build a professional portfolio. Immerse yourself in an exciting journey from concept to finished product through the magic of visual storytelling.
Why Study Game Design at JMC?
Technology & Facilities
We acknowledge Australian Aboriginal People and Torres Strait Islander People as the first inhabitants of the nation, and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students live, learn and work.
As a student of games at sae, we offer small classes and one-on-one mentoring opportunities you may not find in a larger university. You’ll develop and apply advanced techniques and strategies to use industry software like unreal engine, unity, blender and maya.
Understand and meet the growing demand for immersive practices across many industries. With unsw’s master of simulation & immersive technologies, you’ll learn to solve complex problems and meet the industry’s rapidly transforming needs. Graduate in less than two years with a strong portfolio ...
Unleash your creativity in game design & production. Game designers are the visionaries and evangelists for a game development project. They thrive on new ideas and are always thinking about how users will interact and enjoy the experience that they’ve created.
Undergraduate programs will be delivered on campus. Graduate programs will mainly be delivered on campus, with dual-delivery and online options available to a select number of subjects within some programs.
The bachelor of game design and development will provide you with a thorough grounding in software design and development. The addition of specialist units that critically appraise video games as designs and cultural media products means you’ll be equipped with the skills you’ll need for a succ...
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