Best Animation, VFX and Gaming College in Punjab, India. Underpinned by principles in technology, science and artistic practice, Animation is a discipline that demands vast knowledge of new tools and industry trends, complemented by creative imagination to match up the latest developments demanded b
Best Animation, VFX and Gaming College in Punjab, India. Underpinned by principles in technology, science and artistic practice, Animation is a discipline that demands vast knowledge of new tools and industry trends, complemented by creative imagination to match up the latest developments demanded by animation & multimedia industry.
Gaming brings you with an exciting vision to create your own games, whereas VFX is used to produce amazing effects & realistic environments in films that are difficult or impossible to shoot in real life.
Department of Animation, VFX and Gaming
Academic Excellence
B.Sc. (G. & VFX) Scholarships
Pathway After
B.Sc. in Animation, VFX and Gaming Students after completing this program can become:
Advanced Credit Programs
Why Join UIFVA-Animation?
We at Chandigarh University strive to give quality new age education to our students. Our faculty is our strength. We have the best in class teaching staff drawn from prestigious International and National Animation, VFX, and Gaming Studios. A segment of our professors are from the industry who help integrate real world applications to classroom study. You would gain in-depth understanding and global perspective to the various concepts of your course through our international faculty and guest faculty members from world’s leading organizations.
What makes Department of UIFVA-Animation unique?
The Mission of the Department of UIFVA-Animation, Chandigarh University is to:
Chandigarh University is a full-fledged university established by the Punjab State Legislature and is recognized by University Grants Commission under Section 2(f) with the right to confer degrees as per Section 22(1) of the UGC Act, 1956.
Bachelor of visual arts is a four - year degree program that develops the students analytical, technical, creative and communication skills. Fosters the understudies insightful, specialized, innovative and relational abilities.
Animation has fascinated us all, right from our childhood. We’ve imagined creating our own series, characters, storylines and much more.
In this course you will be familiarized to a variety of forms of animation. Through primary projects, you will be trained about the production of different forms and techniques of animation.
Learn Graphics designing, VFX & Animation from experts. Learn from the basics to advanced techniques from highly experienced subject experts.
From the history of animation and pre-production through adding visual effects to an animated film and production management, students gain a comprehensive understanding of animation. They also improve their communication and analytical skills, as well as their ability to work on sustainable develo...
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