Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics

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Organizations are generating volumes of data. This data could be used to solve problems, generate insight, mitigate risk, identify superior products, etc. if it were properly analyzed. The Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics (BSBA) is grounded in the concepts of Evidence-Based Management.

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Course Details

Organizations are generating volumes of data. This data could be used to solve problems, generate insight, mitigate risk, identify superior products, etc. if it were properly analyzed. The Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics (BSBA) is grounded in the concepts of Evidence-Based Management and seeks to provide data-driven answers to today’s organizational questions.

The goal of this degree is to enable to the student to look through a business lens, generate new insights with data, and influence key business decisions and ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.


Program Educational Objectives

The business analytics program will produce:

  • Technically competent graduates for a successful and productive career in the business profession capable of developing creative solutions to contemporary problems

  • Graduates who are capable of pursuing postgraduate studies and research

  • Graduates who can demonstrate their effective leadership, communication and teamwork skills in a diverse environment

  • Graduates with the desire for life-long learning for the purpose of professional integrity


Student Outcomes

  • Students will learn how to source, manipulate, and analyze data as well as generate insightful results all within an ethical framework. These results will include infographics, visualizations, and executive reports suitable for a business audience. In addition, students will learn the hands-on skills needed to use popular analytics software platforms and manage large volumes of data and report out those results in impactful ways using aviation and aerospace examples and case studies.

  • An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts

  • An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives

  • Central Branch

    229 Mountbatten Road, Central

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