Basic Road Safety & First-Aid Training For Driving License course is offered by Indian Red Cross Society. To improve the lives of vulnerable people in India and internationally by mobilising the power of humanity.
Basic Road Safety & First-Aid Training For Driving License course is offered by Indian Red Cross Society. To improve the lives of vulnerable people in India and internationally by mobilising the power of humanity.
The Mission of the Indian Red Cross Society Haryana State Branch is to prevent and alleviate suffering with complete impartiality, making no discrimination as to nationality, race, sex, religious beliefs, language, class or political opinions.
To be a leading humanitarian organisation in India, improving the lives of vulnerable people through services delivered and promotion of humanitarian laws.
To promote the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and the International Humanitarian Law in order to inculcate humanitarian ideals among the population, and in particular among children and youth.
Until 1960 Red Cross Organization had been functioning under a number of former princely states like Baroda, Rajkot, Junagadh, Kapadwanj, Devgadh-Baria, Ahmedabad etc.
As a result of bifurcation of former Bombay State into two states namely Gujarat and Maharashtra in the year 1960, Gujarat State Branch of Indian Red Cross Society was formally constituted.
Indian Red Cross Society, Gujarat State Branch is a Humanitarian Organization guided by the Seven fundamental principles of the International Red Cross. It provides relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.
Aims and Objectives
The State Branch shall work for the realization of the Aims and Objects, which are shown here below.
To act in case of armed conflict, and in peace to prepare to act in all the fields covered by the Geneva Conventions within the scope of International Humanitarian Law and on behalf of all war victims, both civilian and military;
To contribute to the improvement of health, the prevention of disease and maternity and child care in the community.
To establish voluntary blood banks and also facilities for other emergency health services for the benefit of the community.
To undertake Research work in the health sector, disaster sector and social sector so as to make organization still more capable to provide different social welfare services for the benefit of the community.
To educate the population on how to prepare for and respond to disasters;
To organize emergency relief services for the victims of disasters and mitigation of their suffering;
To promote the participation of children and youth in the work of the Red Cross;
To promote the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and the International Humanitarian Law in order to inculcate humanitarian ideals among the population, and in particular among children and youth;
To recruit, train and develop volunteers/personnel as necessary for undertaking humanitarian responsibilities;
To serve the community within its jurisdiction, the state branch may initiate activities to address local needs and priorities as approved by the Managing Body of the branch; and
To ensure correct use of the Red Cross emblem, to maintain its protective value.
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