Build LEGO Robots in pairs and learn to program them to bring them alive!
Aimed at children from the age of 7-11 years, Beyond Blocks Robotics camps are designed to get your child familiar with building and programming concepts through building LEGO robots.
In the sessions, students build LEGO models that are brought to life using motors, sensors, and an intuitive block programming language. As students progress, they will be set more complex challenges and will build models that solve more intricate problems. Students who attend regular weekly sessions in term time will be set alternative challenges, building with different kits and tackling challenges that are longer or more complex than our weekly hour allows.
Holiday camp sessions take place at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church in the Coffee Bar. Please line up outside the entrance to the left of the church and someone will come down and collect your child from there.
At the end of every session, children have a show and tell, where they present their models to each other and to parents. If you wish to see what your child has built, please turn up 15 minutes before the end of the session and come upstairs to the Coffee Bar.
If bookings are made for both sessions you can drop off at the start of the first and pick up at the end of the last. Your child can bring a water bottle if they wish.
Please note the lower age limit is strict as this class is challenging and bookings made for children below the age of 7 years will be refunded minus a booking fee. However, for older children who have never encountered LEGO Robotics, this is the ideal starting point and children will be admitted up to the age of 13.
Aimed at children from the age of 7-11, Beyond Blocks sessions are designed to get your child familiar with building and programming concepts through building LEGO robots.
In the sessions, students build LEGO models which are brought to life using motors and sensors and an intuitive block programming language.
As students progress, they will be set more complex challenges and will build models that solve more intricate problems.
At the end of every session, children have a show and tell, where they will present their models to each other and to parents. If you wish to see what your child has built, please turn up 15 minutes before the end of the session and come upstairs
Please note the lower age limit is strict as this class is challenging and bookings made for children below the age range will be refunded minus a booking fee. However, for older children who have never encountered LEGO Robotics this is the ideal starting point and children will be admitted to the age of 13.
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