Blockchain is a technique for storing data that makes it difficult or impossible for outside parties to alter, hack, or manipulate the system. A distributed ledger, or blockchain, is a network of computers that replicates and disperses transactions amongst themselves.
Blockchain is a shared, unchangeable ledger that makes it easier to track assets and record transactions in a network of businesses. An asset can be intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding) or tangible (a house, car, money, or land).
On a blockchain network, almost anything of value can be tracked and traded, lowering costs and risk for all parties.
What Education I Will Receive:
- Use blockchain and Bitcoin concepts in professional settings.
- Create, evaluate, and implement safe smart contracts.
- Develop Hyperledger Blockchain applications using Composer Framework
- Utilizing Composer API, create front-end (client) applications.
- Create a business network application for Hyperledger Fabric Composer (not the infrastructure)
- View real-world Blockchain and mining examples.
- Utilize the Ethereum Blockchain to create engaging Blockchain applications.
- Utilize the most recent version of the Web3 v1.0 Ethereum development tools.
- Create models for the Blockchain applications using the Composer modeling language.
- Leverage Composer REST Server to design a web-based Blockchain solution
- Recognize the real intentions and potential of Solidity and Ethereum
- Explain each of the Peers, Orderer, MSP, and CA components that make up Hyperledger Fabric Technology.
- Introduction to Cryptocurrency
- Cryptography and Crypto-currency
- Digital Signatures
- Hash pointers and data structures
- Peer to peer networks (structured and unstructured)
- Overview of blockchain
- Introduction to Blockchain and its Origin
- How blockchain works
- Blockchain terminologies, Distinction between databases and blockchain, Distributed Ledger
- How bitcoin achieves decentralisation
- Types of blockchain
- Core Layers of blockchain
- Data Layer
- Network Layer
- Consensus Layer
- Mechanics of blockchain
- Introduction to Bitcoin and its usage
- Blockchain Data structures
- Bitcoin transactions, Blockchain block structure
- Scripting language in bitcoin
- Nodes and network of bitcoin
- Limitations and Improvements
- Crypto coins consensus Models
- How to store and use bitcoin
- Hot and cold storage
- Splitting and sharing keys
- Online Bitcoin Wallets and exchanges
- Multisig wallets
- Extending blockchain
- Why Extend the Blockchain?
- Blockchain Objectives, Altcoins, Colored Coins, Side Contracts
- Private blockchains
- Technology of blockchain – Ethereum Network
- Limitations Of Bitcoin & The Birth Of Ethereum
- Why Decentralization
- What is Ethereum
- Ethereum Use cases
- Ethereum Vision
- Ethereum Mining
- Ethereum Supporting Protocols.
- Transactions in Ethereum
- Consensus Algorithm in Ethereum
- Ethereum Technology Stack
- Ethereum Virtual Machine
- Smart Contracts, DAOs and DAPPS
- Future Of Ethereum
- Blockchain use case
- International Payments
- Record and Identity Management
- Providence – Real Estate , Digital assets
- Internet of Things
- Emerginf trends and prospects of the blockchain
- Emerging Trends in Blockchain
- Transactions limitations
- Additional Blockchains
- Hyperledger
- Blockchain and cloud computing