Cardiology for Health Professionals level 7

by University of Southampton Claim Listing

Developments in international, national and local policies, government strategies and drivers and service provision are together making new demands on cardiac care delivery.

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img Duration

1 Year

Course Details

Module overview

Developments in international, national and local policies, government strategies and drivers and service provision are together making new demands on cardiac care delivery.

Cardiology is a dynamic and rapidly changing specialty, which requires health care professionals (HCP) to be able to deliver high quality, evidence-based care to a range of service users, in a variety of clinical settings.

Aims and Objectives

Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:

  • Critically review a health care issue experienced in your practice setting and develop a management plan to enhance health outcomes

  • Critically analyse and evaluate the effect of international, national and local policies on the care of people with cardiac conditions.

  • Critically reflect on ethico-legal and professional issues which can arise in caring for people with cardiac conditions

  • Critically consider and justify the assessment, monitoring, management and care of people with cardiac conditions.

  • Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of current evidence related to your chosen health care issue


  • Within this module the student will explore:

  • Ethical theories and applied clinical ethical decision-making

  • Epidemiology,pathophysiology and management of coronary heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathies/Genetic heart disease

  • Risk factor assessment

  • Applied cardiac pharmacology

  • Applied cardiac physiological investigations and treatments including Pacemakers, automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator (AICD), Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (DRT)

  • Electrocardiography (ECG) – including basic rhythm interpretation, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, atrio-ventricular blocks

  • Principles in taking a 12 Lead ECG - including basic and advanced interpretation of abnormalities

  • Cardiac Investigations such as Troponin, coronary angiography and CT angiography

  • Treatments of Coronary Heart Disease including medical therapies, Primary angioplasty and stenting

  • Assessment of the cardiovascular patient

  • Behavioural Cardiology

  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching and learning methods that will be used to help you achieve the learning outcomes of the module are designed to facilitate a contextual exploration of your clinical experience, whilst linking theory and evidence.

Learning methods in this module may include:

  • Interpersonal learning - through group discussions and interactive lectures

  • Group learning – through group activities, patient scenarios, and problem based learning

  • Self-directed and electronic learning - through retrieving, reading and reviewing literature and research

  • Cognitive learning – development of critical reflection, critical analysis and synthesis of information based on a range of knowledge/evidence

  • Module leader/student 1:1 consultations - as required

Module structure

The five day module will be delivered over a five week period and a written assignment will be submitted upon completion of the taught component of the module within an 8 week period.

Assessment strategy

  • Assignment including a management plan

  • 100% contribution to final mark

  • Mode of Feedback to Students

  • Formal written feedback by 1st marker (module lead)

  • Southampton Branch

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