Caregivers are not intended to replace medical professionals or family members. Certain medical tasks such as IV administration cannot be done by a Caregiver and must be done by a family member or qualified medical professional.
Professional caregivers assist with the non-medical tasks that a person cannot safely or comfortably do alone. Examples of the type of help usually provided by caregivers include:
Personal Care:
Assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, toileting, transfers, positioning, exercise and medication reminders and assist.
Provide a listening ear, cheerful conversation, and a caring heart while working around the house, escorting and driving on trips to the doctor, hairdresser, house of worship, the home of a friend, or recreational outings.
Fill in for a regular caregiver when they are unable to work due to illness, vacation, or simply need to take a break for some much needed time away.
Caregivers are not intended to replace medical professionals or family members. Certain medical tasks such as IV administration cannot be done by a Caregiver and must be done by a family member or qualified medical professional.
Caregiving, First Aid 101,Baby & Child Minding, Au Pair.
We provide all the course material - a separate manual for each of the courses. These manuals are yours to keep to make notes in and for referring back to, in the future.
We issue your "Certificates of Competence". One certificate is issued for each fully completed course
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