Carpentry is one of the oldest craft and has been in vogue from times immemorial. A good carpenter can always find gainful employment even in villages with poor purchasing power of the people. This course is designed to train technicians in carpentry shop.
Carpentry is one of the oldest craft and has been in vogue from times immemorial. A good carpenter can always find gainful employment even in villages with poor purchasing power of the people. This course is designed to train technicians in carpentry shop.
The main purpose is to provide the basic working knowledge of the production and properties of different materials in carpentry trade, the module of this course will apprise the learner of basics and applications of various tools, equipments, machinery and techniques used in manufacturing to facilitate shaping of raw materials in to useful products or components.
After going through this course the student will be able to- identify & select the right type of wood, acquire related trade knowledge& practical skills in engineering measurements, acquire experience in preventive and corrective maintenance of various cutting tools, machine tools & equipments.
The pass-outs of this program have ample scope for self employment in both urban & rural areas they can also get waged employment with furniture makers as there is sufficient market demand for skilled carpenters.
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) provides opportunities to interested learners by making available the following Courses/Programmes of Study through open and distance learning (ODL) mode.
Open Basic Education (OBE) Programme for 14+ years age group, adolescents and adults at A, B and C levels that are equivalent to classes III, V and VIII of the formal school system.
Secondary Education Course
Senior Secondary Education Course
Vocational Education Courses/Programmes
Life Enrichment Programmes
Envisages schooling by providing a learning continuum based on graded curriculum ensuring quality of education for children, neo-literates, school drop-outs/left-outs and NFE completers.
For implementation of OBE programme, the NIOS has partnership with about 853 Agencies providing facilities at their study centres. It is a sort of academic input relationship with partnering agencies. The NIOS provides resource support (such as adaptation of NIOS model curricula, study materials, joint certification, orientation of Resource Persons and popularisation of OBE) to the voluntary agencies and Zila Saksharta Samities (ZSSs) etc., for implementation of its OBE programme.
At the Secondary and Senior Secondary levels, NIOS provides flexibility in the choice of subjects/courses, pace of learning, and transfer of credits from CBSE, some Board of School Education and State Open Schools to enable learner's continuation. A learner is extended as many as nine chances to appear in public examinations spread over a period of five years. The credits gained are accumulated till the learner clears required credits for certification. The learning strategies include; learning through printed self-instructional material, audio and video programmes, participating in personal contact programme (PCP), and Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA).
Enrichment is also provided to the learners through the half yearly magazine "Open Learning". The Study Material is made available in English, Hindi and Urdu mediums. The On-Demand Examination System (ODES) is in operation at Secondary and Senior Secondary stage. NIOS offers 28 subject in eight mediums (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi, Telugu, Gujarati, Malayalam and Odia) for Secondary Examinations and 28 subjects in Hindi, English, Urdu, Bengali and Odia mediums for Senior Secondary Examinations.
Besides these, NIOS has provision of offering Vocational subjects in combination with Academic subjects at secondary stage and 20 vocational subjects in combination with Academic subjects at Senior Seondary level.
Acknowledging the fact that the young entrepreneurs will be the wealth of the nation, the learner friendly Vocational Education programmes of NIOS provide excellent prospects for the learners. It offers Vocational Education programmes in different areas such as Agriculture, Business and Commerce, Engineering and Technology, Health and Paramedical, Home Science and Hospitality Management, Teacher Training, Computer and IT related sectors, Life Enrichment Programmes and General Services. Knowledge, skills and qualities of entrepreneurship have been made essential components in curricula for Vocational Education with emphasis on practical and on the job training in related industrial units.
In order to upscale and place the Open Vocational Education Programme on a sound pedestal, NIOS is seeking collaboration with leading organizations in different educational development sectors like Industries, Medicines, IT etc. Within the overall provisions of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005), NIOS has brought out a significant documnet titled "Vocational Educaiton and Training: A Framework on Curriculum Imparatives with a Foucs on Knowledge Acquisition and Skills Development: Initiative through Open and Distance Learning". It is hoped that this document with prove useful as the basis for preparing a well deliberated Programme of Action (POA) for implementation of Vocational Education Programmes through ODL.
The NIOS programmes pay special attention towards requirements of the first generation learners, physically, mentally and visually challenged learners and candidates from disadvantaged sections of the society.
DMPS offers accelerated woodworking classes with an intensive hands-on learning experience. These classes focus on the finest woodworking techniques taught by the proficient instructor in a fun and friendly environment.
In response to the increasing demand for capable carpenters in the market, we offer certificate Course in carpentry. Through this course, students become well-equipped to design and fabricate tables, chairs, wardrobes and showcases.
Introduction to woodworking materials and tools. Hands-on exposure to state-of-the-art woodworking machines such as high precision Panel saw, Edge bander & Cold press machines.
The Diploma Course was launched in the year 2018-19 jointly with M/s. Biesse Manufacturing Company Private Limited. This program offers an excellent opportunity for trainees to acquire required skill set to work on wood and wood products.
The experience is designed for complete beginners. This is a power tooling special, where you work with 5/6 powertools and pine wood. Safety, measurement, materiality, and basic finishing, this is a hands-on, design and make, full-day, group workshop led by a mentor.
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