Learn how to design and produce motion graphics for paid search and social media platforms. Create engaging and eye-catching content for advertising using Adobe After Effects.
Learn how to design and produce motion graphics for paid search and social media platforms. Create engaging and eye-catching content for advertising using Adobe After Effects.
A great course for anyone wanting to produce their own advertising for online campaigns - you'll learn pre-production and storytelling techniques to help communicate and convert online traffic to visitors and sales.
What You'll Learn:
Motion Graphics for Brand Recognition
This module gives you an introduction to the creative processes behind effective motion design. You'll develop visual styles and apply animation techniques to create animated brand elements.
You'll learn the fundamentals of Adobe After Effects and how they can be used to produce engaging animation with synchronised audio.
Yoobee College of Creative Innovation is New Zealand’s largest specialist creative and technology college. We’ve been fuelling the creative and technology industries for over 30 years with talented Animators, Filmmakers, Designers, Techies, and Game Developers.
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