Restorative dentistry contributes to a large proportion of a dentist’s daily clinical practices. Increased in healthcare awareness has reduced the incidence of dental caries, however, modern lifestyle has subjected the dentition to more wear and tear, sometimes complete loss of tooth.
Restorative dentistry contributes to a large proportion of a dentist’s daily clinical practices. Increased in healthcare awareness has reduced the incidence of dental caries, however, modern lifestyle has subjected the dentition to more wear and tear, sometimes complete loss of tooth.
Dentists face patients with various functional and aesthetic
demands, and need to devise treatment options that will cater to the patient’s quality of life, bearing in mind the concept that all treatment start with prosthodontic planning and end with prosthodontic treatment.
Continuing education and training form an integral part of a dentist’s life-long learning throughout their professional career. Q&M College of Dentistry aims to provide a platform for dentists to upgrade their skills and learn the best practices in dentistry, including performing dental procedures with the latest technologies and materials.
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