Certificate in Small Business Management

by PSB College Claim Listing

Many South Africans are turning to their own resources to make a living. Most use their talents to create or produce a product or deliver a service which will give them the necessary emolument to maintain a satisfactory standard of living.

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Many South Africans are turning to their own resources to make a living. Most use their talents to create or produce a product or deliver a service which will give them the necessary emolument to maintain a satisfactory standard of living.

We have seen many businesses fail – not because the entrepreneur does not have the skills, but because of a lack of knowledge of the requirements to start and run a business, the lack of financial control, and the lack of knowledge of marketing and sales.

The full course consists of twelve different modules, each consisting of several chapters or sub-divisions. For instance, the module on the different forms of business ownership consists of three chapters covering the various types of businesses, the formation of the various types and the forms necessary to register the business.

The entrepreneur would probably take a few days to study the forms of business ownership but once the decision of which type to choose has been made, the rest will be quick.

Unfortunately, not all modules are that simple. It would be safe to say that the speed at which learners complete each module would depend on the time they are prepared to spend studying the notes and working through the assignments, as well as their prior knowledge of the subject matter. If they were very clued-up in Marketing, they would probably skim through the notes for that module.

What is important is that, at the end of each module learners are required to submit an assignment to the college. The college will mark the assignment and return it to the learner as soon as is humanly possible.

Once all the modules have been completed and all assignments marked, and the learner has obtained an average mark of no less than 50%, they will be awarded this college’s Certificate in Small Business Management.

Moreover, they will be well qualified and equipped to start and run their own business successfully!!

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