Certification in Adult Psychology and Assessment

by International Psychology Centre Sdn Bhd Claim Listing

The topics mentioned above are taught within 3 months. During this period, students will also be given clinical case assignments and presentations to do.


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img Duration

3 Months

Course Details

The topics mentioned above are taught within 3 months. During this period, students will also be given clinical case assignments and presentations to do.

Certification in Adult Psychological Assessment (endorsed by Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy (MAP) and Psychotherapy Chapter of Malaysia Society for Complementary Medicine) leading towards practitioner membership and licensure of MAP

What is included in the Adult Psychological Assessment:

  • Lecture
  • Tutorial
  • Group Clinical Supervision
  • Case review and assessment

Children clinical symptoms covered include:

Anger Management

  • Anger is a repeated angry outburst that is out of proportion to the precipitating event. For those anger people, they might excessive yelling, swearing, crying, or use of verbally abusive language when efforts to meet desires are frustrated or limits are placed on behavior.


  • Anxiety means excessive anxiety, worry, or fear that markedly exceeds the level for the client’s stage of development. It also is a specific fear that has become generalized to cover a wide range and has reached the point where it significantly interferes with their daily life.


Depression in child means sad or flat affect, moody irritability, eating and sleep disorder.

  • Eating disorder: eg Consistent statements that are unrealistic about body image such as of being too fat or becoming too fat.
  • Financial stress: High credit card bills, exceeding the family’s ability to pay them.
  • Chemical dependency: Consistent use of alcohol or other mood-altering drugs affecting previous performance.

We use the mastery system of education. Besides lecturing, this course provides clinical experience such as: research, case study, group clinicalsupervision & presentation. Assessment includes case study oral and written presentations, group participation, research paper and assignments.

Our course is structured as 2 intensive workshop with three group clinical supervision & oral written case presentation for the assessment. Fulfilling the attendance and passing the criteria given will lead to towards the licensed practitioner membership of Adult Psychology and Therapy Division of Malaysia Association of Psychotherapy.

Below are the equipment used:

  • Symbols
  • Cds and Music
  • White board
  • Notes/ books
  • SandTray
  • Figurines
  • Course Book
  • Chairs & Table
  • Kuala Lumpur Branch

    11-1, Wisma Laxton, Jalan Desa, Taman Desa, 58100, Kuala Lumpur
  • Teacher's Name
  • Dr. Edward
  • Teacher's Experience
  • Dr. Edward Chan gained his degree in psychology from MiddlesexUniversity, UK., his Masters degree in Learning from the University of Lancaster, UK., and his Doctorate in Psychology from the Intercultural Open University , the Netherlands. Dr. Chan spent 3 years at the Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford and the Open University, UKto conduct the research for his doctorate work.
  • Gender
  • Male
  • Teacher's Nationality
  • N/A

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