A 4-day CISM exam preparation course, designed to help those intending to obtain the CISM certification, which is becoming a must-have certification in InfoSecurity.
A 4-day CISM exam preparation course, designed to help those intending to obtain the CISM certification, which is becoming a must-have certification in InfoSecurity.
In a world where enterprise success is increasingly dependent on information systems and information technology, the trust customers, clients, employees and other stakeholders have for an enterprise can quickly dissipate in the face of a data security breach.
As the growing number of high-profile breaches demonstrates, information security failures can result in significant damage to an enterprise’s bottom line as well as its reputation.
To ensure greater alignment between organizations’ information security programs and their broader goals and objectives, more and more enterprises and government agencies expect, and even require, their information security professionals to hold the Certified Information Security Manager® (CISM®) certification.
The CISM Exam Preparation Course comprises six primary sections, covering the following topics:
Typically, each day of the course will cover a single CISM domain, using lecture, group activities and practice questions.
Sapience Consulting Pte Ltd (Sapience) is a consultancy and training organisation headquartered in Singapore and with presence throughout Asia. Since our establishment in 2008, we assisted numerous clients across Asia in extracting maximum business benefits out of their technology investments.
Sapience is proud to be at the vanguard of the IT Service Management, GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance), Project Management (Waterfall and Agile) and Security Management practices here in the Asia-Pacific.
Be it upskilling your talented workforce, transforming your organisation, maturing your practices or developing new capabilities – we can assure you of one thing. With Sapience, you cannot be in better hands.
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