Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSSĀ®) is a training program designed by safety professionals for the entry level person, or for the experienced safety person who needs a refresher on safety.
Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS®) is a training program designed by safety professionals for the entry level person, or for the experienced safety person who needs a refresher on safety.
Its main objective is to equip employees who have safety and health responsibilities with the core competencies they must master to be successful in occupational safety and health. The COSS® Program provides students with focused and relevant content that is enforced with concentrated learning activities.
The course consists of 40 hours of hands-on, instructor-led learning, delivered by OSHA-authorized trainers. Case studies and workshops are used extensively to bring learning objectives into focus.
Student presentations, daily quizzes, practical reviews and a comprehensive final exam allow students to demonstrate their competencies in the class. By learning how to promote safety on a jobsite, COSS graduates will have the knowledge necessary to help lower fatalities, near misses and OSHA citations.
COSS graduates will be able to:
The Colorado Safety Association (CSA) has joined forces with Pinnacol Assurance to offer a safety group program designed to reduce workers' compensation costs by promoting safety and claims management practices in the workplace.
The CSA safety program brings together groups of businesses with common risks that are committed to maintaining and enhancing industry-leading safety and claims management practices.
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