Our unique exam-focused approach delivers industry leading pass rates consistently 25% above the global average. Progress through your studies using BPP Momentum, providing unrivalled levels of personalised teaching and support.
Our unique exam-focused approach delivers industry leading pass rates consistently 25% above the global average. Progress through your studies using BPP Momentum, providing unrivalled levels of personalised teaching and support.
Within each level, you must pass three Objective Tests and one Case Study before progressing onto the next stage of the qualification.
To be a fully certified Chartered Management Accountant you will need to complete these exams as well the relevant Practical Experience Requirement (PER).
All our teaching is built around ensuring your assessment success:
We work closely with employers and professional bodies to make our learning as real-world, relevant and future facing as possible.
We do it for the biggest names and we do it in specialist areas. That includes law, accountancy, financial services, nursing, technology and more.
And it covers a range of qualifications to develop careers at every stage and every level of development.
We educate over 80,000 learners a year and work with over 7,000 clients to develop their talent and enhance their businesses.
The course will allow you to master the ability to make long-term strategic decisions, support organisational leaders when deciding their next strategy, and identify and manage potential risk levels. All key for a business to implement a strategy without complications arising.
Study at one of our friendly, modern study centres and attend a tutor led classroom or virtual classroom course. Perfect if you enjoy more traditional learning and socialising with peers.
The CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting (Cert BA), gives you fundamental knowledge of business and accounting. After qualifying, you can progress onto the esteemed CIMA Professional levels, and become a chartered management accountant.
At this level you acquire knowledge and develop skills in Management Accounting, Financial reporting and Taxation in business organisations. After competing this level you gain the CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting (CIMA Dip MA).
Our classrooms are high tech, spacious and have ample free parking. Venues are in Newcaste-under-Lyme and Stoke on Trent. All routes are easily accessible by car, bus and train.
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