The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification is one of the strongest associate level IT certifications in the world and proves your ability to install, configure, operate and troubleshoot enterprise networks and Cisco IOS.
The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification is one of the strongest associate level IT certifications in the world and proves your ability to install, configure, operate and troubleshoot enterprise networks and Cisco IOS.
CCNA certified professionals understand the most core and fundamental technologies related to network engineering, and are versed in the configuration and installation of Cisco routers and switches in a broad range of IT environments.
In this course students are presented with a series of premium instructional videos and hands-on labs that teach all the knowledge and skills needed to pass the 200-301 CCNA exam, obtain your CCNA certification, and get on your path to becoming a rockstar engineer!
NGT Academy was founded by two Air Force veterans who have trained thousands of engineers for the military. They have combined the military-style training philosophy of job readiness with decades of network engineering and cyber security experience working at Cisco Systems, Arista Networks, and Dimension Data into an immersive program to get people into cyber security or networking careers faster and more effectively than ever!
Students will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network, including configuring a LAN switch, configuring an IP router, connecting to a WAN, and identifying basic security threats.
This comprehensive program starts with the basics of networking and moves on to advanced concepts, culminating in a project-based learning course where you will design and configure a complex network.
In this course, you will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network. You will focus on configuring a LAN switch, configuring an IP router, identifying basic security threats, understanding redundant topologies, troubleshooting common network issues.
In our Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA) course, you'll develop a working knowledge of routing, switching, network applications, protocols and services.
This course will prepare you for the Cisco® CCNA 200-301 exam, the top associate-level certification for IT professionals. Most businesses today need daily operation on their systems, making networking a high demand skill set.
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