Confined Space Course

by Emergency Response Consulting and Training Claim Listing

Once workers have completed this confined space course they will be able to clearly identify and establish proper entry permit procedures, recognize and control hazards, ventilation, personal protective equipment, non-entry rescue and comply with OSHA 1910.146 requirements for Entrant and Attendant.

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Course Details

Confined Training For Authorized Entrant And Attendant – Once workers have completed this confined space course they will be able to clearly identify and establish proper entry permit procedures, recognize and control hazards, ventilation, personal protective equipment, non-entry rescue and comply with OSHA 1910.146 requirements for Entrant and Attendant.

Confined Space Entry Supervisor – Participants in this particular confined space course will learn about the following topics: verification of permits, safe entry conditions, ventilation practices, atmospheric monitoring requirements, confined space communications, rescue response requirements, documentation and proper record keeping. Under the guidelines and requirements of OSHA 1910.146 “Entry Supervisor”, students taking this course will become aware of specific requirements of the this critical emergency response position.

Confined Space Rescue Level 1 - Students will be trained to the Rescue Entrant and Rescue Attendant level. Non-entry and entry type rescues will be practiced, including limited access spaces. Participants in this particular confined space course will learn about the following topics: types of confined spaces, hazard recognition and control, atmospheric monitoring, personal protective equipment, rescue equipment and rigging techniques, attendant and entrant procedures, patient packaging, communications, confined space manipulation skills, rescue entry, patient removal and post rescue considerations

Confined Space Rescue Level  2 - Program content is designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 1006 for Confined Space Rescue Technician and NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer Level II standards. Upon completion, students will gain the knowledge, skill and ability to preplan confined spaces for rescue, manage rescue operations, ability to control hazards, learn advanced skill in confined space rescue communications and participate in various scenarios for team building skills.

  • Phoenix, AZ Branch

    4545 E. Shea Blvd, Ste 242, Phoenix, AZ

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