Participants who take this course will gain knowledge on how to identify and classify a confined space, or a permit required confined space.
Participants who take this course will gain knowledge on how to identify and classify a confined space, or a permit required confined space.
Employees who work in or in the vicinity of confined spaces will be able to identify hazards and understand the methods of hazard control.
Arizona Chapter National Safety Council takes great pride In the enormous talent And professionalism Of Each Of the instructors that facilitate all Of the programs ACNSC offers. All Of our instructors are credentialed And adhere To high level standards.
From classroom training To onsite inspections, our instructors are versatile To accommodate all our members’ safety And compliance needs.
In recognition Of Former Arizona Governor Pyle And his commitment To safety, Arizona Chapter National Safety Council created the Annual Governor Howard Pyle Safety Award In 1980. This award Is given Each Year To the most deserving agency, company, program Or individual making an impact upon the safety In Arizona.
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