Entering and working in confined spaces is a high-risk job. Fatal injuries in confined spaces average 92 per year – that’s almost two each week. Paragon Safety Group offers Confined Space Safety training to teach construction workers involved in confined space entry.
Entering and working in confined spaces is a high-risk job. Fatal injuries in confined spaces average 92 per year – that’s almost two each week. Paragon Safety Group offers Confined Space Safety training to teach construction workers involved in confined space entry to understand the potential hazards and strictly adhere to safe work practices and entry procedures.
Confined spaces include underground vaults and tunnels, tanks, storage bins, manholes, pits, silos, process vessels, pipelines, and others. Available in both English and Spanish, Paragon Safety Group’s Confined Space Safety course teaches workers the precautions to take in the event of an accident, and the procedures required for your company to be OSHA compliant.
This training is designed for workers who supervise confined space entry, employees entering and working within a confined space, and those persons tasked with assisting with the entry, but not actually entering themselves. The Confined Space Safety course describes confined spaces and their potential hazards and covers various controls that can be used to protect the health and safety of workers from confined space hazards.
Permit-required confined spaces (permit spaces) are defined and discussed along with the specific OSHA regulations pertaining to those spaces.
Paragon Safety Group, Inc. provides workplace safety training, consulting, and placement of on-site safety professionals at worksites across the Southeast. We understand your need as an employer to comply with the federally mandated Occupational Safety and Health Act, and it’s our mission to help meet that need.
Let us assist you in maintaining high standards of construction safety and compliance and in decreasing your overall risk and potential liability.
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