Most people mishandle difficult conversations - often because they fear conflict. This programme focuses on helping you understand your typical conflict habits, with a view to improving your approach. It teaches the practical skills needed to manage difficult situations.
Most people mishandle difficult conversations - often because they fear conflict. This programme focuses on helping you understand your typical conflict habits, with a view to improving your approach. It teaches the practical skills needed to manage difficult situations.
Conflict is natural part of work dynamics. When managed well, it can be a healthy part of the communication of a group. This programme teaches you how to direct conflict in a constructive direction.
Challenges In Managing Conflict
Problems and challenges in your role
Finding the pluses
What’s your communication style when in conflict
The crucial win/win model for approaching conflict
A hilarious conflict experience and its relevance to your work
The Key Skills For Managing Conflict
Using body language to help the situation
Active listening - the low-risk, high-value skill
How to get your message across
Asking questions constructively
Giving and receiving feedback
How to handle difficult conversations
Adding Some Broader Strategies
Looking for the long term goal
Looking at things from the other side's view
Finding and using the common ground
Altering your own perspective
22 years of training and development experience makes us experts in our field. In over two decades, we’ve worked across the government, corporate and professional services sectors; training and coaching people ranging from senior managers to raw recruits.
We practice what we preach and are involved in a wide range of communication initiatives. In our outside work time, we also serve on various boards.
Aand community committees. In 1998, Communicate was awarded the ITC Communicator of the Year to reflected and acknowledge our emphasis on good communication.
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