Data Structures & Algorithms

by RIA Institute Of Technology Claim Listing

RIA institute provides Best Data Structure training Institute in Marathahalli, Bangalore by experienced industry professionals and the Data Structure Training Institute in Bangalore is well equipped with advanced labs.


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Course Details

RIA institute provides Best Data Structure training Institute in Marathahalli, Bangalore by experienced industry professionals and the Data Structure Training Institute in Bangalore is well equipped with advanced labs.

Trainers working in Data Structure for more than 5 years are carefully chosen to conduct high quality Data Structure Training in Marathahalli, Bangalore so that the students can benefit from real time scenarios. Instructors offering Data Structure Training in Bangalore have practical knowledge as they implement their knowledge and expertise in day to day work.

Course content by best Data Structure Training Institute in Bangalore is carefully crafted to match the industry requirements. The topics covered in Data Structure Training include latest and best real-time examples that are aimed to help students in getting the right job so after the completion of Training.

Our expert instructors will highlight the Key topics from Data Structure Training based on the questions that can be possible asked by the interviewer during the job selection process; this provides confidence to the students while facing job interviews.

RIA Institute provides Class room trainings, online training, Weekend classed and Fast track course for Data Structure Training in Bangalore. Students have the option to select the course timings according to their convenience.

Once the Data Structure Training course timings are fixed with the instructor, students are required to complete the course in the same schedule. Our schedule for Data Structure Training in Bangalore is very flexible as we provide training in weekdays in morning and evening for students who cannot attend Data Structure Training in Bangalore during weekends due to their work schedule.



  • Introduction
  • What is Data Structure?
  • What is Algorithm?
  • Types of Data Structure
  • Introduction to an array and linked list
  • Array
  • What is array?
  • Why Array?
  • Operations in an array
  • Linked list
  • Why linked list
  • How to create linked list
  • Operation on Linked list
  • Doubly linked list
  • Operation on doubly linked list
  • Programming approach to linked list
  • Stack as Data Structure
  • Implementation of stack in array and linked list
  • Operation on Stack
  • Polish notation
  • Queue as Data Structure
  • Implementation of Queue in array and linked list
  • Operation on Queue
  • Double Ended Queue (DeQue)
  • Priority Queue
  • Tree
  • Introduction
  • Binary tree
  • Binary tree representation in memory
  • Tree traversal
  • Binary search tree
  • Balanced binary tree
  • Tree rotation
  • M-WAY search tree
  • B-tree 
  • Graphs
  • Introduction
  • Representation of graphs
  • Graph traversal
  • Shortest path algorithm
  • Warshall’s algorithm for finding path matrix
  • Warshal’s algorithm for finding the shortest path matrix
  • Dijkestra’s technique
  • Floyed’s technique
  • Searching and sorting
  • Various searching technique
  • Various sorting technique 
  • Hashing
  • Bangalore Branch

    # 3/76, Shiva Building, Outer Ring Road, Bangalore

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