Integrates Islamic sciences and professional skills by offering Islamic studies courses as the core course and a selection of elective professional courses such as Business administration, Islamic banking and Finance, and Information Technology.
Integrates Islamic sciences and professional skills by offering Islamic studies courses as the core course and a selection of elective professional courses such as Business administration, Islamic banking and Finance, and Information Technology.
Provides a pathway to further Degree studies in universities in Malaysia (e.g. IIUM) and other international universities, or branch out to related academic disciplines.
Programme Outcomes:
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Our Academic offering covers all levels of study – Certificate, Diploma, Degree – conducted by professors and lecturers from regional universities: UINSU (Indonesia), KUIM (Malysia), and IIC (Malaysia).
MOAs have also been signed with the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Universiti Islam Negeri Jakarta (UINJKT) that will soon offer BA and MA Degrees.
In Islamic Studies, conducted in Bahasa Indonesia (Malay) and English respectively. The Academic Board consists of 4 senior staff with Doctoral Degrees.
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