Students will enjoy being creative creating and editing images, shapes and text. Learn how to make photo collages, use selection tools, filters, digital brushes, packs, and more! Students will be inspired by our talented instructor with experience in graphic design, film, and media.
Students will enjoy being creative creating and editing images, shapes and text. Learn how to make photo collages, use selection tools, filters, digital brushes, packs, and more! Students will be inspired by our talented instructor with experience in graphic design, film, and media.
Once students have mastered a Photoshop-like tool, possible topics that this class will cover include the following for animation and 3D, using tools like DaVinci Resolve, Sketchup, Blender, and Adobe After Effects.
Topics and Tools
Graphics Editing: Photoshop, Photopea
Video Editing: DaVinci Resolve, Adobe After Effects
3D Modeling: Blender, AutoDesk Maya
Our mission is to impart STEM and coding skills to enable people of all ages to solve problems. We want to inspire and challenge you to be creative with digital solutions.
Why STEM with us? Our goal is to foster critical thinking, through live instruction in small engaging classes. Unlike other coding schools, we also teach digital art, chess and more!
We will delve into the mechanics and art of photography - studying technique, lighting and the artistic principles of making images.
Adobe Photoshop is the essential software tool used in the film, television, and game industry for use in everything from pre-production and visualization to post.
Students will learn the basics of digital illustration and photo-manipulation techniques with Adobe Photoshop. The class will cover how to use the different tools and functions while applying traditional art theory to create interesting and beautiful pieces.
Adobe Photoshop course is offered by Future Media Concepts for all skill level. FMC provides quality, consistent and accessible training for content creators and IT professionals.
An Introduction to Photoshop CC course provides a thorough overview of the interface, the tools, the features, tricks, and tips for using Photoshop CC.
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