Digital marketers are in high demand as organizations rely on digital marketing to build their brands online. Learn the latest best practices and industry trends in a hands-on, interactive environment.
Digital marketers are in high demand as organizations rely on digital marketing to build their brands online. Learn the latest best practices and industry trends in a hands-on, interactive environment.
Apply your skills while working with industry partners and preparing for a dynamic career that includes social media marketing, search engine optimization, marketing strategy, and analytics.
You learn to:
Evaluate various digital strategies and media tactics to execute effective integrated marketing plans.
Create digital marketing content using industry-standard methods and technologies.
Optimize your content for internet search engines and your target audience.
Adhere to digital advertising and marketing standards in accordance with Canadian legislation.
Measure the success of digital marketing initiatives using industry-standard monitoring and tracking tools.
Graduate with recognized certifications from Hootsuite, Meta, and Google.
Work Experience
Field experience is a mandatory credit course, providing the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills outside the classroom.
Opportunities are typically unpaid and last approximately 5 weeks.
Transportation, accommodations, and other costs related to work experience courses are your responsibility.
Study options
Although this program’s delivery is noted as synchronous online, some of your learning is completed independently (asynchronous).
Choose NSCC
This is a practical, hands-on program designed to mirror the processes found in digital and social media marketing roles.
Other Info
You're expected to have basic Microsoft Office computer skills and access to technology to complete this program.
A strong work ethic and a professional approach are key elements to your success in this program and career.
This program mirrors working in industry. You should be prepared to work with industry-type expectations at a fast pace, be responsive, and meet tight deadlines.
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We believe the future lies in the power of learning, which is why we care about the success of every student – in education, in career and in life.
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