The Diploma in Media and Graphic Design aims to provide students with the knowledge and practical skills required to be employed in the highly competitive fields of media and graphic design.
The Diploma in Media and Graphic Design aims to provide students with the knowledge and practical skills required to be employed in the highly competitive fields of media and graphic design.
The programme also offers information and practical knowledge on a variety of related subjects which include Media Law, Critical Studies and Business Communication. The qualification provides a career opportunity in the field of Media and Graphic Design.
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Covering a vast range of skills and talents, art and design is a diverse subject that will help you turn your creative passion into a money-making career.
Incorporating Graphic Design, Web Design, Video Production, Photography, Interactive Media, Mobi App Design, Game Design, 3D Modelling & Animation and more.
Bachelor of Arts in Creative Brand Communication, NQF 7 (contact learning or online)
This qualification develops three different skills tracks throughout the course: creative thinking, visual communication and graphic development which involves manipulating images, creating print layouts and web design.
The Higher Certificate in Graphic Design is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required to enter a career in graphic design. The qualification further assists in the development of academic skills empowering graduates to further their education in higher education.
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