The Diploma in Nursing program at Widad University College is a comprehensive and accredited program designed to prepare students for a rewarding career in healthcare.
The Diploma in Nursing program at Widad University College is a comprehensive and accredited program designed to prepare students for a rewarding career in healthcare.
Approved by the Malaysia Nursing Board and aligned with the Malaysian Qualifications Accreditation (MQA), this three-year program equips students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to excel in the field of nursing.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
In July 2016, Widad Business Group bought over University College Shahputra and the University is now named Widad University College (DKU015(C)). Widad means love, caring and friendship. The name carries the characteristics of desire in leadership and independence.
The taking over by Widad Business Group is part of its bigger programme to diversify its services to the public with the assistance of Royal Widad Foundation.
Widad Business Group is a conglomerate business identity well known to the Malaysians. A public listed company with substantial business involvements.
Tan Sri Muhammad Ikmal Opat Abdullah, the founder of Widad Business Group had long aspired to engage in Education, providing for those who seek quality affordable private education.
Tan Sri champions the notion that quality education forms the basic foundation of an accomplished nation. Hence every child should be given the opportunity to be educated even if it means looking privately.
Widad now directs itself towards being a leading University College in the concept of uniquely a boutique university focusing on specifically well-developed quality programmes that generate graduates who are industry relevant to the nation and are recognised internationally.
Being a boutique university, Widad do not need massive infrastructure to be reputable. The existence of experienced and committed management team and the professors leading academic teams, Widad University College (WUC) has set its path rightly towards academic excellence.
Where opportunity arises, our academic programmes are geared towards TVET (Technical & Vocational Training) qualifications, producing employable graduates meeting the need of the nation for technically competent workforce.
WUC programmes are accredited by Malaysian Qualification Agency and the professional bodies where appropriate. For instance, Widad medical programme graduates standards are at par with any medical universities in Malaysia, and are listed in the World Directory for Medical Education and so does the recognition of our nursing, medical assistant programmes and many others.
This is reflected in the fact that our graduate employability rate is high and respectable. Our graduates are recognized and employed internationally. To date, WUC had produced more than 43,000 graduates in various disciplines.
The intense internationalization policy adopted by WUC has led to collaborations and establishment in countries like India, China, Indonesia, the Philippines and many more countries to come.
Located in Kuantan, this coastal city is a very busy tourist hub, WUC stands tall as a private university college with 2022 SETARA (Competitive) recognition. The surrounding friendly ambiance and the excellence in support services provided are just plus points encouraging and creating perfect atmosphere for student to study here.
WUC envisioned to be the best boutique concept private University College with affordable learning recognised nationally and internationally.
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