Learn important fundamentals of sales negotiation, so that you can better close deals by understanding the psychological makeup of every deal, instead of resorting to a price war.
Many sales professionals use discounts as a strategy to close the sale. However, it greatly affects a company's bottom line as every 1% discount given reduces the net profit by more than 5%!
In order to achieve a win-win outcome in a sales negotiation, it is important to understand human psychology and develop a negotiation approach before coming to the negotiation table. This workshop aims to equip sales professionals with an effective negotiation framework and techniques for achieving better sales terms.
In this course, participants will learn the necessary skills and mindset they need to effectively negotiate through a sales discussion, and close the deal without having to resort to price discounts as an only option.
ODC is an award winning, regional corporate training provider based in Singapore. Specialising in corporate training, management skills training and leadership development and management skills training.
ODC provides face to face and online training across 14 different cities in Asia Pacific. In Singapore, ODC is also a Registered Training Provider with Skillsfuture Singapore since 2017.
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