The Elementary Nutrition Course aims to provide participants who work in food businesses preparing, producing and serving food with knowledge about basic nutrition and practical solutions about how to provide and promote nutritious and healthy choices.
The Elementary Nutrition Course aims to provide participants who work in food businesses preparing, producing and serving food with knowledge about basic nutrition and practical solutions about how to provide and promote nutritious and healthy choices.
Welcome and course overview Course participants will be able to:
Appreciate the needs and expectations of other course participants
Identify what they hope to learn from the course
Consider their role in improving the nation’s health
Identify their current knowledge and understanding of nutrition
An Introduction To Nutrition
Candidates will be able to discuss generally
The importance of good nutrition for health
The effect of a poor diet on health
Food and health in Scotland
The importance of nutrition in the food industry
The benefits of and their role in providing/promoting healthier choices
Basic Nutrion
Candidates will be able to describe briefly
The role of Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat
The role of vitamins and minerals
The importance of an adequate fluid intake
Common dietary sources of each of the main nutrients
Energy balance and energy requirements
Eating For Health And Wellbeing
Candidates will be able to describe
The principles of a healthy, sustainable diet
Key healthy eating messages
Scottish Dietary Guidelines
The Eatwell Guide 4.
Healthier Practices
Candidates will be able to
Demonstrate how the Eatwell Guide can be used as a guide to healthier practices
Identify healthier food preparation and cooking methods
Suggest healthier/alternative ingredients
Describe how to increase fruit and vegetables, fibre and oily fish content
Identify how to reduce fat, salt and sugar content
Explain how to preserve and maximise the nutrient content of foods
Consider product reformulation throughout the food chain
Debate ways to promote, market and display healthier choices
Menu Planning And Recipe Development
Candidates will be able to
Consider and explain the principles of menu planning
List and describe the factors to consider when planning menus
Influences on food choice
Nutritional requirements
Dietary requirements
Consider ways that menus/recipes can be modified
Use the Eatwell Guide to review a recipe
Be aware of the relevant policies, regulations and requirements
Demonstrate and use their knowledge to plan and/or modify a menu and/or recipe
Allergies And Intolerances
Candidates will be able to
Debate the role of food in allergies, intolerances and coeliac disease and the importance of providing accurate allergen information
Explain the difference between a food allergy and food intolerance and coeliac disease
Identify the main food allergies and intolerances and their symptoms
List the 14 major allergens
Outline how to comply with food allergen labelling legislation
Identify contamination risk and how to prevent it
Discuss how to provide and/or relay information effectively
Food/Nutrional Labelling And Analysis
Candidates will be able to:
Identify briefly relevant food legislation and regulations
(Determine what information is required by law on food packaging
Explain generally what nutrition information should be provided
mandatory back-of-pack nutrition declarations
nutrition and health claims
front-of-pack nutrition information
Discuss the importance of allergen labelling
Consider the ways to calculate and provide nutrition information
Nutrient and calorie analysis
Software available (e.g. MenuCal)
The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland, often referred to as REHIS, was established in 1983 following the merger of the Royal Sanitary Association of Scotland (founded 1875) and the Scottish Institute of Environmental Health (founded 1973). The Institute was incorporated by Royal Charter in 2001.
The Institute is a registered Scottish charity No. SC009406.
The Institute awards the qualification which allows a person to practice as an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) in Scotland. Under the Royal Charter and Scheme of Continuing Professional Development it awards Chartered Environmental Health Officer status to eligible members.
The Institute is a long established awarding body in Scotland for a variety of REHIS qualifications, many of which have been independently credit rated on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
The Institute is a founder Member of the International Federation of Environmental Health.
The objects for which the Institute is established, which are contained in its Royal Charter, are, for the benefit of the community to promote the advancement of Environmental Health by
stimulating general interest in and disseminating knowledge concerning Environmental Health;
promoting education and training in matters relating to Environmental Health;
maintaining, by examination or otherwise, high standards of professional practice and conduct on the part of Environmental Health Officers in Scotland.
Membership is open to all persons with an interest in Environmental Health in its widest sense.
The affairs of the Institute are managed by a Council, elected annually by members.
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