The requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance, the achievement of environmental objectives, by identify the significant environmental aspects – which creates the pollution.
The requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance, the achievement of environmental objectives, by identify the significant environmental aspects – which creates the pollution.
Identify the legal requirements applicable to the organization get compliance and maintain the up to date record of Legal requirements. ISO 14001:2015 defines Compliance obligations as legal requirements that an organization has to comply with any other requirements that an organization has to or chooses to comply with.
Compliance obligations can arise from mandatory requirements such as applicable laws and regulations, contractual relationships, codes of practice and agreements, organizational and industry standards.
The organization should determine and have access to the compliance obligations related to its environmental aspects. The organization must also determine how these compliance obligations apply to the organization.
The organization must take these compliance obligations into account when establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving its environmental management system.
The organization must maintain documented information about its compliance obligations. Compliance obligations can result in risks and opportunities for the organization., Maintain Legal Register.
How To Implement The ISO 14001-
Do the Gap Analysis, Identify the Internal and External issues related to Environmental management, Address the need and Expectations of Interested party, including regulatory requirements.
Establish the Environmental Management Policy with top management commitments for the prevention of pollution. Set the Environmental objectives and monitor the same to ensure the environmental policy is being effectively implemented and understood by everyone in the organization.
Identify the potential Emergency Situations and prepare the preparedness. Identify all possible environmental aspects in the organization within the process, product, and activities of the organization and analysis of the environmental impact and take the necessary control/ actions on significant Environmental aspects.
Monitor the controls. Consider the End of Life of Product, by selecting the product / Raw material considering the life -Cycle perceptive and maintain the Ecological balance. Conduct the Internal Audit and Management review meeting.
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