If you want financial stability, sooner rather than later, it is more important than ever to take action now. Time is a critical element in building wealth! Most people delay getting started and end up with insufficient money for emergencies or to do the things they really want in life.
If you want financial stability, sooner rather than later, it is more important than ever to take action now. Time is a critical element in building wealth! Most people delay getting started and end up with insufficient money for emergencies or to do the things they really want in life.
Are you disappointed with your current financial position?
By now you have probably realised no one is more interested in achieving your financial goals than you! You may be on track to achieving your professional goals, but are disappointed with the results of your financial goals or have failed to even set financial goals.
Are you looking for a way to create a brighter, more secure future for yourself and family and ultimately, personal freedom?
Just imagine … if all your ongoing expenses were taken care of through residual income from your investments, what you could do with your life. That’s freedom.
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then our ‘Financial Wisdom’ workshop is the affordable solution you need!
Financial Wisdom’ will give you the knowledge and skills to make financial decisions with confidence.
Attend this inspiring, practical and unique one day workshop!
Our workshop provides you with a solid foundation and the framework to build your financial independence and remove financial stress! You will learn what it takes to build your wealth instead of borrowing to have the lifestyle you want but may not be able to afford.
You Will Learn How To:
Who Should Attend?
We believe the earlier you gain financial wisdom the greater the advantages you can create for yourself. We also believe it is never too late to start on the path to financial freedom. Our graduates ranged from 14 to 75 years old.
Give your child a gift they can use for the rest of their life and bring them with you.
In March 1997, Wealthwise Education Pty Ltd was co-founded by David Novac and Kate Sheehan.
Wealthwise Education shares over 30 years of knowledge and experience on how to invest and how to trade through a range of practical, effective courses and audio-visual programs.
Wealthwise educates people all over the world including Australia, NZ, USA, Asia and Europe. Their education helps both novice and experienced investors and traders to achieve financial goals.
Their sound strategies reflect a balanced approach to the current trends and conditions of the markets.
Wealthwise graduates continue their education through the online Wealthwise Community. Graduates continue to broaden their knowledge base and gain support to become independent and skilled investors or traders.
With a strong focus on risk-management and money-management, many graduates have gained the confidence and skills to create their own financial independence.
Choose Wealthwise Education for a superior education in the markets.
This unit builds on the Level 2 Finance units, with particular emphasis on financial policy decisions for firms operating in a multinational environment. Topics include the hedging of risk in a multinational environment; international capital budgeting
Cash flow statements help a business understand how they generate and use their cash. They can also indicate the amount, timing and certainty of future cash flows. The ongoing success of a business relies heavily on its ability to generate and maintain cash flow.
Getting To Know Your Financials training is offered by Non Profit Training. Understanding the finances is an integral part for board members and managers of Australian not for profit organisations.
The Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (the RO Act) requires all office holders whose duties relate to financial management to undertake approved training within six months of taking office (unless an exemption has been granted under s.293M).
Accounting and Finance Course is Offered by Skill Finder
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