Getting the right accent and pronunciation from the start is crucial to being understood when speaking French and Spanish and understanding others. Choose the best learning experience. Choose to learn online via one-to-one lessons with an experienced native teacher.
Learn French faster with the ultimate personalised experience.
We want to make the learning experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible and aim to meet your personal needs from the moment you contact us.
If you want to focus on something specific then just let us know. If you don’t have any special requirements, we will design the lessons according to your French level, structured around the four core components: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.
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Learn with native professional teachers.
Getting the right accent and pronunciation from the start is crucial to being understood when speaking French and Spanish and understanding others.
Choose the best learning experience. Choose to learn online via one-to-one lessons with an experienced native teacher.
At Elite French & Spanish, we are a team of dedicated native teachers. In our language boutique school, we deliver high-quality language courses for all in Sydney, from private tuition for IB, HSC or private lessons for adults.
Our vision is to design a successful language learning pathway integrating language, culture and communication. We emphasise on providing tailored French and Spanish courses for individuals. In addition, we cater language teaching for different specific purposes such as:
Spoken on five continents and in main international organisations such as the UN, French is particularly relevant for Australia, given its strategic location in surrounding areas like the Pacific and Indian Ocean.
French Language course is offered by Victorian School of Languages. In standards and content, courses are comparable to those offered in day school language classes, and follow a standard course design.
All French courses are designed to develop your competency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. You won't feel shy or intimidated when you'll be visiting a French speaking country or be using your skills in real-life situations, as you will develop your confidence with native speakers...
The focus of this course is to master the basics and it has been devised to offer the maximum exposure to the French language and culture.
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