This Full Stack development course is most demanding technology in the computer science. Full Stack developers work on both Front end and Back end parts of the Applications.
After the course you can start your career as Full Stack Developer, Front End Developer, Back End Developer or you can also work as a Freelance Coder. In This course you will learn very beginning to the end how to live a project.
Programme Outcome:
HTML-5 Training
- Why & How to Learn HTML
- Create Your First Web Page
- HTML – Formating Tags
- Important Tags
- Image in Web Page
- Linking Pages
- HTML Table
- Block and Divison
- Template Design
- Media, Video, Audio
- HTML Forms
- Advanced HTML5 Form
- HTML Graphics
- Project-1
CSS-3 Training
- Introduction to CSS
- Syntax & Selectors
- Colors & Background
- Margin, Padding & Borders
- Box Model
- Pseudo & Opacity
- Gradients & Shadows
- website Layout
- CSS Responsive
- Media Query
- Flexbox
- Project-2
Modern Javascript
- Syntax & Statements of Javascript
- Coding Fundamental & Logics
- String & Array
- Events & Forms
- Javascript Functions
- Advanced Functions
- Objects & Prototypes in Javascript
- Error & Exception Handling
- Javascript Object Oriented
- Introduction of JSON
Bootstrap Framework
- Getstarted with Library & CDN
- Bootstrap Containers
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Bootstrap Jumbotron
- Bootstrap Badges & Cards
- Bootstrap Dropdowns & Collapse
- Bootstrap Navs & Navbar
- Bootstrap Carousel
- Bootstrap Model & Popover
- Project-3
Angular 12
- Introduction of AngularJS
- AngularJS Modules & Directives
- AngularJS Model & Data Binding
- AngularJS Controllers
- AngularJS Filters & Scopes
- AngularJS Services
- AngularJS Forms & Events
- AngularJS API
- AngularJS Applications
- Project-4
- Node.JS Get Started
- Node.JS Modules & HTTP
- Node.JS File System
- Node.JS NPM
- Node.JS Events
- Node.JS Upload & Email
- Node.JS Database Connection
- Project-5
- Install & Configur MongoDB
- Relational Database
- Create Database & Collections
- Query with Database
- CRUD Operations
- Limit & Skip
- MYSQL vs MongoDB
- Project-6
- Express, JSON, API & GIT
- Interview Preparation & Resume
- Final Project
- Internship