A fire extinguisher is only as useful as the person using it, and Distinguished Fire Extinguisher can help you and your staff learn safe and effective fire extinguisher operations with our hands-on training services.
A fire extinguisher is only as useful as the person using it, and Distinguished Fire Extinguisher can help you and your staff learn safe and effective fire extinguisher operations with our hands-on training services.
This is the Fire Triangle. Actually, it's a tetrahedron because there are four elements that must be present for a fire to exist.
There must be Oxygen to sustain combustion, Heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature, Fuel to support the combustion, and a Chemical Reaction between the other three elements.
With over 20 years of experience, Distinguished Fire Extinguisher is your trusted name for all your fire extinguisher certification needs. We provide annual inspection service tags, six-year internal maintenance collars, and more!
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