In card level repairing you will learn about the components of computer, assembling, troubleshooting, software installation, data recovery and in chip level repairing you learns how to repair the faulty motherboard, hard disk and other computer parts.
Arth is a top computer hardware repairing institute in delhi. Our Hardware repairing course is a two stage process card level & chip level. In card level repairing you will learn about the components of computer, assembling, troubleshooting, software installation, data recovery and in chip level repairing you learns how to repair the faulty motherboard, hard disk and other computer parts.
Course Content:
Arth is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified IT training institute which is also a NIELIT (Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology Government of India) facilitation center and also an Authorised testing center of Microsoft.
We provide best computer training in software, hardware and multimedia fields. Our courses are specially designed and updated as per the current market needs as well as different student level which makes us a best it training institute in delhi.
Hardware professionals deal with various hardware components such as chips, computer systems, motherboard, processor, RAM, circuit boards, modems, external hard disks, printers and keyboards. So, in order to be successful in this field, they must have knowledge of all these components of hardware.
Comptia A+ Training in Bangalore course will train individuals about computer technology and computer troubleshooting. You will gain the knowledge about PC maintenance, networking, mobile devices, laptops, operating systems, printers, security and troubleshooting techniques.
Hardware Networking course is offered by IT Horizone. We provide courses in wide variety which suites candidate from short term courses to long term courses in fields computer software / hardware, commercial computing besides specialisation in commerce segment.
CompTIA A+: 1102 certification training gives you the knowledge of how to use Windows administrative tools to navigate available opportunities and to achieve memory diagnostics, system maintenance and disk management.
IIHT Surat offers CompTIA A+ (A Plus) is an entry-level computer certification for PC computer service technicians. The exam is designed to certify the competency of entry-level PC computer service professionals in installing, maintaining, customising, and operating personal computers.
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