HOIT is the first training for Helicopter Operations ground support staff in offshore industry. There is a prerequisite that candidate must have ‘Dangerous Goods by Air” training before they can take HOIT training.
Course Content
(1) Key parts of relevant helideck operations regulations and guidelines
(2) Helideck physical characteristics
(3) Helideck obstacle-free requirements
(4) Helideck equipment and systems
(5) Meteorological requirements for offshore helicopter operations
(6) Typical hazards associated with offshore helideck operations.
(7) The role and key responsibilities of the offshore HLO and HDA
(8) Main Helideck team responsibilities and required actions, including:
(9) The structure and terms in a typical pre-flight weather report and floating installation (or vessel) data required by helicopter pilot.
(10) Typical Helideck team requirements for Normally Unattended Installations (NUIs).
(11) Correct use of handheld radios and radio checks, complying with radio communications protocol and correct use of appropriate hand signals if radio communications are ineffective
(12) Helideck checks for contamination, debris or damage before and after take-off.
(13) Communication checks, checking helideck equipment status, safety nets, security and stowage of helideck equipment.
(14) Helideck team brief prior to helicopter landing at appropriate times during helicopter operations.
(15) Wearing of appropriate PPE during helicopter operations
(16) Ensure helideck team are in required locations during helicopter operations.
(17) Participate in the use of handheld radios and radio checks
(18) Conduct and respond to required helideck protocols during helicopter operations, to include: safe-to-approach, helicopter anti-collision lights switched off and ‘thumbs-up’ from pilot (as agreed by operating company).
(19) Check passenger and freight manifests.
(20) As HLO, effectively supervise HDAs during passenger, freight and baggage handling
(21) Under direction from the HLO:
(22) Comply with helideck protocols and procedures during helicopter operations
(23) Comply with helicopter danger areas rules.
Elite Offshore Academy has been established to provide quality training to the people working in the Offshore, Marine and General Industry (OSHA).
Most of our courses are unique and futuristic in nature that have been designed by experience and are adhering to latest guidelines promulgated by global competent authorities. Although we started with focus on offshore sector, with demand, we have been slowly shifting towards OSHA.
The courses are conducted by trained and qualified faculties who have several years of working experience in the industry. The centre uses latest aids and equipment to impart training.
Elite Offshore is very conveniently located at the kharghar, sector 2, Little World Mall, 1st floor, Unit 123 The centre aims at providing cost effective solution to the ever-increasing training requirement of Offshore, Marine and OSHA Industry.
Training programs may be customized or scheduled to suit specific needs of companies or groups of students.
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