Human Anatomy and Physiology

by UWE Bristol Claim Listing

Modules can be offered either individually or collectively if you have had your first degree evaluated by the IBMS and require further Top-up studies in order to complete the educational requirement for IBMS accreditation.

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Modules can be offered either individually or collectively if you have had your first degree evaluated by the IBMS and require further Top-up studies in order to complete the educational requirement for IBMS accreditation.

Human Anatomy and Physiology is a core module for multiple programmes and so must cover an appropriate breadth and depth of knowledge to service all requirements, both accredited and non-accredited.

This 30 credit level 4 module aims to deliver specialist knowledge through taught lectures, together with inductive tutorials and seminars to enable application and problem-solving utilising this knowledge. Student learning will be further supported through the University's e-learning environment, Blackboard, with provision of materials and activities to guide independent study.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Use and understand basic anatomical terminology

  • Explain the principles of physiological control mechanisms

  • Describe the differences between different connective tissue types and relate key properties to their function

  • Identify major bones of the human skeleton, including key surface landmarks

  • Describe the position, orientation, and gross anatomy of major organs to their respective systems

  • To Explain relationships between the function and location of key systems

  • Describe the structure and function of the endocrine and nervous systems

  • Understand the sensory and locomotor aspects of the nervous system

  • Describe the principles of diagnostic imaging and show a working knowledge of simple interpretation

  • Demonstrate practical skills in data observation, collection, handling and report writing, and relate outcomes to the relevant physiology.

For an applicant looking to top-up an undergraduate degree to obtain an Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) or Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) accreditation, 

Careers / Further study

This module contributes towards:

  • BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science

  • BSc(Hons) Biological Science

  • BSc(Hons) Healthcare Science (Life Science)

  • BSc(Hons) Healthcare Science (Physiological Science).



The module content typically covers:

  • Anatomical terminology as it relates to body posture and describing orientation of organs/limbs in a clinical setting

  • Major skeletal structure, including an introduction to bone growth and development

  • Connective tissues: Introduction into cell types that make up the various connective tissues, and the function of connective tissue in the human body

  • Major muscle groups, including their relationship to connective tissues

  • Histological structure of endocrine, nerve and muscle tissues.

  • Endocrinology; structure and function of the key endocrine organs and its relationship to homeostasis and normal function

  • Introduction to the Nervous System to include gross anatomy of the brain and spine. The electrochemical nature of nervous signals. Membrane and action potentials, nerve conduction, synaptic transmission.

  • An introduction to the pharmacological nature of the autonomic nervous system. The neurotransmitters and receptors involved in autonomic function.

  • Structure of the heart and its associate with major blood vessels, including lung structure and its relationship to the heart and associated function

  • The structure of the organs that make up the GI system, with focus on adaptations of each to carry out specific functions relating to stages of digestion

  • The structure of the kidneys and bladder, including nervous control of micturition

  • Structure and function of the male and female reproductive system.

  • The process of human development from fertilisation to adulthood.

Learning and Teaching

Scheduled learning includes lectures, seminars, tutorials, project supervision, demonstration, practical classes and workshops; fieldwork; external visits; work based learning; supervised time in studio/workshop.

Independent learning includes hours engaged with essential reading, case study preparation, assignment preparation and completion etc.

  • Bristol Branch

    Frenchay Campus Coldharbour Lane, Bristol

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