Our IELTS tutoring includes the detailed and brief solutions of four modules that cover listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Our IELTS tutoring includes the detailed and brief solutions of four modules that cover listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Success starts here!
This program is designed to prepare students to write both the official academic and general IELTS tests. Students will study the test format, strategies, and skills needed to be successful and confident.
Private tuition can help in attaining high bands in IELTS and PTE scores. Our tutors assist students with exam techniques, paying special attention to areas they are lacking in order to enhance their skills and knowledge.
The IELTS test is internationally recognised in the English speaking world, highly regarded by companies and a requirement for enrolment at colleges and universities in many English speaking countries except in Canada and the USA.
Our exam preparation classes, which can be adapted and personalized to students’ specific needs, are designed to teach prospective test candidates the techniques , strategies and skills to prepare for, focus on and succeed in their exam goals.
CELS offers personalized training as well as scheduled classes. When it comes to taking the IELTS proficiency tests, you have to be ready.
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