IELTS Exam Preparation

by MC Academy Claim Listing

Designed for students who wish to further their academic career at a UK university. Our IELTS Exam Preparation courses provide you with the knowledge and skills to progress towards higher education


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MC Academy Logo

img Duration

15 Hours

Course Details

Aims of the Course:

The IELTS preparation course at MC Academy aims to allow students to:

  • Use exam strategies and techniques to achieve the best score possible.

  • Take practice exam papers to become familiar with the format of the exam under test conditions.

  • Practise and develop overall skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

  • Focus on reading, writing, and analytical thinking skills, that are not only the key to success in the IELTS test, but are also crucial skills to develop when studying at a UK university.

  • Receive constructive feedback to further increase the chances of success.

  • M2 Branch

    2nd Floor, Royal Buildings, 2 Mosley Street, M2, Manchester

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IELTS Course

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