IGCSE Economics classes are offered by Mindlab. Mindlab has a diverse range of tutors from different backgrounds related to their field of expertise. They are highly qualified and handpicked to meet the high standards of our clients.
IGCSE Economics classes are offered by Mindlab. Mindlab has a diverse range of tutors from different backgrounds related to their field of expertise. They are highly qualified and handpicked to meet the high standards of our clients.
Each of them are valued not only because they are knowledgeable and talented, but also because they are passionate about teaching and truly care for their students. Our tutors are IBO Certified on the subject that they specialise in.
Mindlab is a leading educational centre based in Singapore specialising in IBDP tuition as well as other programmes leading to IBDP. Among these pre-IBDP programmes are the Cambridge IGCSE CIE/Edexcel, IP (Integrated Programme), IB MYP, and IB PYP.
Since 2009, students at Mindlab come from different international schools in Singapore as well as across the globe with the advent of online classes.
Mindlab's focus is to provide high quality tuition with tutors who are IBO Certified, classes that are personalised, and resources that are customised to deliver premium and effective service in order to produce positive results for students aiming to enter prestigious universities.
Subjects Available:
A range of subjects are offered at Mindlab and are taught by tutors who are IBO certified. We provide classes that are customised for different objectives such as supplementing the lessons in school, catching up with missed topics or learning gaps, studying in advance to be ahead of the class, preparing for school term exams, improving overall school grades, and preparing for the big exams like IGCSE and IBDP.
IGCSE (CIE/Edexcel) / IB MYP / IP:
Does that ‘A’ seem too far out of reach? We bring you closer. Join us for JC Economics tuition that will clear your doubts and guide you to achieving better A level econs results.
Our top-notch Economics tuition program is conducted at many convenient locations! Get a slot with us and start improving your JC grades today.
JC H1 and H2 economics is a highly rigorous subject that requires great devotion and consistency in order for a student to excel. The H2 syllabus for economics is split up into two areas of study: microeconomics and macroeconomics.
During secondary school, students tend to find their academic abilities stretched even further. They encounter more challenging and complex academic questions, and have to grasp entirely new subjects.
Score a 7 for HL & SL IB Economics with ETG: The Premier IB Economics Tuition Centre in Singapore
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