This Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) exam prep training and certification course is the follow on to our 1-day IIBA CCBA Certification course and is a 1-day course to further develop test-taking strategies and shortcuts.
This Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) exam prep training and certification course is the follow on to our 1-day IIBA CCBA Certification course and is a 1-day course to further develop test-taking strategies and shortcuts.
This CBAP certification course will simulate case study questions and review answers incorporating the BABOK® Guide version 3 knowledge areas and techniques.
IIBA® CBAP® Training and Certification — Case Studies Course Information
In this course, you will:
Answer case study questions to pass the IIBA® CBAP® exam
Combine BABOK® Guide underlying facts, knowledge areas, and tasks
Develop case study exam test-taking strategies and shortcuts
Decompose complex case study questions to determine answers
The IIBA® requires some professional development training before sitting the exam:
Level 1 (ECBA™) and Level 2 (CCBA®) require 21 hours (this course qualifies for 7 hours; Course 3515 qualifies for 21 hours, and Course 3516 qualifies for 7 hours)
Level 3 (CBAP®) requires 35 hours (Courses 3515, 3516, and 3517, together, meet this requirement)
You should already have studied the BABOK® Guide version 3 and be able to:
Name the purpose of every knowledge area and task
Explain how the knowledge areas interact with one another
Identify the output created by each knowledge area and task
Demonstrate how the elements within a task contribute to accomplishing that task
Explain each technique
If you have doubts about your knowledge, please take Course 3516, IIBA Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) Certification Training, to satisfy the above requirement.
It is highly recommended that both IIBA Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) Certification Training and Course 3516, IIBA CCBA Exam Prep and Certification Training — Essential Knowledge, are taken first.
If you are not attending IIBA Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) Certification Training, you are expected to already have your own copy of the Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide version 3). The book is free to IIBA members and available for purchase from Amazon.
For continued practice, you will receive included access to Learning Tree practice questions for 3 months.
Certification Information
Whether you intend to apply for the ECBA™, CCBA®, or CBAP®, taking all three portions of training is vital to your success.
In Course 3516 attendees practice CBAP® case study styled questions and learn test-taking tips with the guidance of a Subject Matter Expert (SME).
In Course 3517 attendees review real BA case studies and answer questions, offering an opportunity to analyze, with a SME, the steps to success in various BA job situations.
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