This part qualification is aimed primarily at giving the learner technical, theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in their chosen occupational/vocational area.
This part qualification is aimed primarily at giving the learner technical, theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in their chosen occupational/vocational area.
The design of the part qualification is such that if taken sequentially with related N part courses i.e. N4+N5+N6, it enables learners to progressively obtain the National N Diploma once the required practical work component of either 18 months or two years, as required for the specific occupational area, is completed.
The part qualification as a single entity has value in the workplace as it equips learners with vital knowledge and skills that enable them to be productively employed at entry level positions in an occupation.
DIGMAC (digital media arts college) is a registered education and training provider accredited by:
The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) (accreditation number QCTO/SDP200321-1163
ETQA (Education & Training Quality Assurer) “MICT-SETA” (accreditation number ACC/2013/07/3029).
DHET (Department of higher Education and Training) Examination Center registration number: ******4
DIGMAC provides part-time and full time digital media, graphic arts and IT training programmes as well as short courses (including Saturday classes And Special Lessons on select courses) to Matric graduates and young professionals seeking to diversify their careers in the Media, Graphic Arts and IT Industry.
Full Time Qualifications:
We offer one and two year qualifications with classes from Monday to Friday, after which the learner will obtain a national or international qualification.
Part Time Qualifications:
We offer one and two year qualifications (qualifications vary from 1 year, 18 months or 4 years part time) with classes in the evening, twice a week and four Saturdays per month, after which the learner will obtain a national qualification (where applicable).
Short Courses:
Short courses present the perfect opportunity to upskill. Classes are presented during the day, evening and Saturdays.
Solidworks Essentials teaches you how to use the Solidworks mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, and how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies.
Our Industry experienced lecturers will teach you one-to-one how to become fully skilled in using 3D SolidWorks in your career.
The Solidworks Essentials training uses real-world case studies to illustrate processes, teaching you everything you need to know for creating parametric models of parts and assemblies and creating drawings of those parts and assemblies.
Overall Solidworks Essentials teaches you how to use the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, and how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies.
This skills programme equips students with cutting edge technology needed to compete in the Engineering fields such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.
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